Read-Only Customization

This feature lets developers customize the look of the card number input control when it is in read-only mode, including border, fill, and placeholder colors tailored for non‑editable content.


The Read-Only Customization feature exposes several public properties that enable you to change the appearance of the SiticoneCardNumberBox when it is set to read‑only. By modifying these properties, you can ensure that the control’s border, background, and placeholder text reflect a read‑only state, providing users with clear visual feedback that the content cannot be modified. This is particularly useful when displaying sensitive or computed information where editing is disabled.

Property Details

The table below summarizes the key properties related to read-only customization:

Default Value / Notes


Enables or disables the read‑only mode for the control.

false by default; setting this property makes the control non‑editable.


Sets the primary border color when the control is read‑only.

Typically a light gray (e.g., Color.LightGray)


Sets the secondary border color for gradients in read‑only mode.

Should match ReadOnlyBorderColor1 for a consistent look.


Specifies the fill color for the control when in read‑only mode.

Often set to a neutral color (e.g., Color.WhiteSmoke)


Specifies the secondary fill color when using a gradient in read‑only mode.

Should complement ReadOnlyFillColor1 if gradient is enabled.


Defines the placeholder text color for the read‑only state.

Typically darker than normal placeholder color for clarity.

Code Examples

Example 1: Enabling Read-Only Mode with Custom Colors

The following example demonstrates how to set the control to read‑only mode and customize the border and fill colors accordingly.

// Create an instance of the SiticoneCardNumberBox control
SiticoneCardNumberBox cardNumberBox = new SiticoneCardNumberBox();

// Set the control to read-only mode
cardNumberBox.IsReadOnly = true;

// Customize the read-only border colors
cardNumberBox.ReadOnlyBorderColor1 = Color.LightGray;
cardNumberBox.ReadOnlyBorderColor2 = Color.LightGray;

// Customize the read-only fill colors
cardNumberBox.ReadOnlyFillColor1 = Color.WhiteSmoke;
cardNumberBox.ReadOnlyFillColor2 = Color.WhiteSmoke;

// Customize the read-only placeholder color
cardNumberBox.ReadOnlyPlaceholderColor = Color.DarkGray;

// Add the control to the form
cardNumberBox.Location = new Point(20, 20);
cardNumberBox.Size = new Size(300, 50);

Example 2: Dynamically Toggling Read-Only State

This example shows how to toggle the read‑only mode at runtime and update the appearance accordingly.

// Assume cardNumberBox is an instance of SiticoneCardNumberBox on your form

private void ToggleReadOnlyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Toggle the read-only mode
    cardNumberBox.IsReadOnly = !cardNumberBox.IsReadOnly;

    // Optionally, update a label to indicate the current state
    stateLabel.Text = cardNumberBox.IsReadOnly ? "Read-Only Mode" : "Editable Mode";

Key Points

The table below summarizes the key aspects of the read‑only customization feature:


Visual Feedback

Clearly distinguishes read‑only state from editable mode with custom border and fill colors.

Non‑Editable Enforcement

Ensures that the control does not accept input when IsReadOnly is set to true.

Placeholder Adaptation

Allows adjustment of the placeholder text color to suit read‑only presentation.

Best Practices

The table below outlines recommended practices when customizing the read‑only appearance:

Best Practice

Use neutral or soft colors for read‑only state

Helps convey that the control is not interactive while maintaining overall UI harmony.

Ensure consistency between border and fill colors

A consistent color scheme enhances usability by clearly indicating the control’s state.

Test the read‑only appearance in different application states

Verify that the read‑only styling is distinct and visible in various parts of your application (e.g., dialogs, forms).

Common Pitfalls

The table below lists common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

How to Avoid It

Read‑only styling is too similar to editable state

Use noticeably different colors (e.g., light gray borders and white smoke fills) for read‑only mode.

Overriding the default read‑only properties inadvertently

Double-check property assignments and ensure that custom colors are only applied in read‑only mode.

Ignoring user feedback for non‑editable controls

Provide visual cues (such as altered placeholder text color) so users understand that the control is disabled.

Usage Scenarios

The table below describes several scenarios where read‑only customization is essential:


Displaying computed or secure data

Use read‑only customization to show data that should not be edited (e.g., masked credit card numbers).

Administrative interfaces

Show non‑editable details in settings or logs where changes are not permitted.

Multi‑state forms

Toggle between edit and view modes, ensuring that users can clearly differentiate between interactive and non‑interactive fields.

Real Life Usage Scenarios


Banking application statement view

Display account numbers and transaction details in read‑only mode with subtle styling to indicate non‑editability.

E‑commerce order summary

Present order information that cannot be modified by the user, using neutral colors to denote read‑only fields.

Corporate dashboard

Show system-generated or computed data in read‑only controls to prevent accidental modifications.

Troubleshooting Tips

The table below provides troubleshooting advice for common read‑only customization issues:

Potential Cause
Recommended Action

Read‑only styling not appearing as expected

Incorrect property values or not setting IsReadOnly to true

Verify that IsReadOnly is enabled and check the assigned colors for borders and fills.

Placeholder text color is hard to read

ReadOnlyPlaceholderColor may be too similar to the background color

Choose a contrasting color for the placeholder text in read‑only mode.

User feedback does not indicate non‑editable state

Lack of visual differentiation between editable and read‑only states

Ensure that the read‑only properties (ReadOnlyBorderColor, ReadOnlyFillColor) are distinctly different from editable settings.


The table below provides a summary review of the read‑only customization features:

Review Notes

Visual Distinction

Read‑only properties provide a clear visual cue to users that the control is non‑editable.


Customizable colors and styles allow read‑only appearance to be adapted to various application themes.

Ease of Integration

Simple property settings enable straightforward toggling between editable and non‑editable states.


The Read-Only Customization feature of the SiticoneCardNumberBox control allows developers to define a distinct appearance for non‑editable states. By setting properties such as IsReadOnly, ReadOnlyBorderColor1/2, ReadOnlyFillColor1/2, and ReadOnlyPlaceholderColor, you ensure that users can quickly identify that the control is not intended for input. This not only improves user experience but also helps maintain data integrity by visually distinguishing static information from interactive elements.

Additional Integration Example

Below is a complete integration example demonstrating how to implement read‑only customization in your WinForms application:

public partial class ReadOnlyDemoForm : Form
    public ReadOnlyDemoForm()

    private void InitializeReadOnlyCardNumberBox()
        // Create the card number box and configure it for read-only display
        SiticoneCardNumberBox cardNumberBox = new SiticoneCardNumberBox
            Location = new Point(20, 20),
            Size = new Size(320, 50),
            IsReadOnly = true,
            ReadOnlyBorderColor1 = Color.LightGray,
            ReadOnlyBorderColor2 = Color.LightGray,
            ReadOnlyFillColor1 = Color.WhiteSmoke,
            ReadOnlyFillColor2 = Color.WhiteSmoke,
            ReadOnlyPlaceholderColor = Color.DarkGray,
            Text = "4111 1111 1111 1111" // Pre-filled example card number (display only)

        // Optionally, disable the context menu to avoid confusion in read-only mode
        // cardNumberBox.ContextMenuStrip = null;

        // Add the control to the form

By following this documentation, developers can effectively integrate and customize the read‑only appearance of the SiticoneCardNumberBox control. The ability to tailor border, fill, and placeholder colors when the control is non‑editable ensures a consistent user experience across different application states.

Last updated