Scale and Tick Mark Configuration

This feature allows you to configure the gauge’s scale and tick marks, including the number of major and minor ticks, the length of these ticks, and the colors used for both the tick marks, etc.


The Scale & Tick Mark Configuration feature exposes several public properties in the SiticoneGaugeClock control that let you adjust the visual presentation of the gauge’s scale. Developers can specify the number of major tick marks, the number of minor ticks between each major tick, the length of these ticks, and the colors used for both the tick marks and the labels. These settings ensure that the gauge clearly displays its value range and provides a visually consistent reference for the current measurement.

Feature Settings and Customization

The table below outlines the available properties for Scale & Tick Mark Configuration, describing their function, typical default values, and sample usage snippets.

Default Value
Usage Example


Specifies the number of major tick marks that are displayed around the gauge’s circumference.

10 (as per initialization)

gauge.MajorTickCount = 8;


Determines the number of minor tick marks placed between each pair of major ticks.

(Configured via _minorTickCount field)

gauge.MinorTickCount = 5;


Controls the length (in pixels) of the major tick marks, contributing to the gauge’s overall scale design.

15f (default value)

gauge.MajorTickLength = 12f;


Sets the color of the tick marks (both major and minor) on the gauge.

Color.Gray (or as set in code)

gauge.TickColor = Color.DarkGray;


Defines the color used for scale labels (numerical values) adjacent to the tick marks.

Color.DarkGray (from code)

gauge.LabelColor = Color.Black;


Toggles whether the minimum and maximum value labels are displayed along the gauge’s scale.

true (typically enabled)

gauge.ShowMinMaxLabels = true;

Note: While some of these properties are explicitly defined in the code (e.g., MajorTickCount, MinorTickCount, and MajorTickLength), others such as TickColor and LabelColor are initialized during the gauge’s default setup and can be modified as needed.

Key Points

The table below summarizes the critical aspects of the Scale & Tick Mark Configuration feature.


Visual Guidance

Tick marks provide a visual reference for the gauge’s data range, ensuring the user can quickly interpret values.

Customization Granularity

Developers can control both the quantity and the physical attributes (length, color) of tick marks and labels.


Adjusting label colors and tick lengths can improve the clarity of the gauge, particularly when integrated into complex UIs.

Best Practices

The following table outlines best practices to help you achieve optimal scale and tick mark configuration.

Code Example

Maintain Consistent Scale Markers

Use consistent tick counts and lengths to ensure that the gauge scale is balanced and easily interpreted.

gauge.MajorTickCount = 10; gauge.MinorTickCount = 5;

Choose Contrasting Colors

Select TickColor and LabelColor values that provide sufficient contrast against the gauge background for improved readability.

gauge.TickColor = Color.DarkGray; gauge.LabelColor = Color.Black;

Balance Tick Lengths

Adjust MajorTickLength appropriately so that tick marks are noticeable but do not overpower the gauge’s overall design.

gauge.MajorTickLength = 15f;

Display Min/Max Labels When Appropriate

Use ShowMinMaxLabels to provide context for the gauge’s range, especially in applications where the full range is critical.

gauge.ShowMinMaxLabels = true;

Common Pitfalls

Avoid the following pitfalls when configuring the gauge scale and tick marks.


Overcrowding with Too Many Ticks

Setting a very high MajorTickCount or MinorTickCount can clutter the gauge and make it difficult to read.

Test different tick counts to find a balance that suits the gauge size.

Inadequate Contrast

Tick and label colors that are too similar to the background can reduce readability.

Ensure that TickColor and LabelColor have sufficient contrast with the gauge’s dial color.

Improper Tick Length

Tick marks that are too long or too short may disrupt the visual harmony of the gauge.

Adjust MajorTickLength based on gauge size and design requirements.

Usage Scenarios

The following table outlines typical scenarios where Scale & Tick Mark Configuration customization is advantageous.

Sample Code

Industrial Monitoring Systems

Gauges with clearly defined tick marks and labels help operators quickly assess values in control panels.

gauge.MajorTickCount = 8; gauge.MinorTickCount = 4;

Financial Dashboards

Clean and precise tick marks ensure that key performance indicators are easy to interpret during fast-paced trading.

gauge.TickColor = Color.Black; gauge.LabelColor = Color.Black;

Medical Devices

High-contrast tick marks and labels are critical for readability in monitors displaying patient data.

gauge.ShowMinMaxLabels = true; gauge.MajorTickLength = 20f;

Real Life Usage Scenarios

The table below presents real-world examples demonstrating the application of Scale & Tick Mark Configuration.

Real Life Scenario
Code Example

Automotive Dashboard

A speedometer gauge with distinct major and minor ticks for precise speed readings; min and max values are displayed.

gauge.MajorTickCount = 12; gauge.MinorTickCount = 3; gauge.ShowMinMaxLabels = true;

Smart Home Energy Monitor

Gauges that track energy consumption use subtle tick marks and labels to provide clear, at-a-glance readings.

gauge.TickColor = Color.Gray; gauge.LabelColor = Color.DarkGray;

Laboratory Instrumentation

High-precision gauges with finely tuned tick mark configurations allow researchers to quickly assess measured values.

gauge.MajorTickCount = 10; gauge.MinorTickCount = 5;

Troubleshooting Tips

If issues arise with scale or tick mark configuration, consider the following troubleshooting tips.

Potential Cause
Suggested Resolution

Tick Marks Not Visible

TickColor or LabelColor may be too similar to the gauge’s background color, or the gauge size may be too small.

Adjust colors to increase contrast and verify gauge dimensions.

Overlapping Labels

Excessively long or numerous tick marks may cause label overlap or misalignment.

Decrease tick counts or adjust the gauge size and layout.

Inconsistent Scale Rendering

Incorrect configuration of MajorTickCount and MinorTickCount may lead to an uneven scale distribution.

Ensure that tick count values are set appropriately relative to the gauge’s size.

Integration Example

Below is a complete code sample demonstrating how to integrate and customize the Scale & Tick Mark Configuration settings in a WinForms application:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI; // Ensure the namespace is correct

namespace GaugeDemoApp
    public class MainForm : Form
        private SiticoneGaugeClock gauge;

        public MainForm()

        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.gauge = new SiticoneGaugeClock();
            // gauge
            this.gauge.Location = new Point(30, 30);
            this.gauge.Size = new Size(300, 300);
            // Scale & Tick Mark Configuration customizations
            this.gauge.MajorTickCount = 10;
            this.gauge.MinorTickCount = 5;
            this.gauge.MajorTickLength = 15f;
            this.gauge.TickColor = Color.DarkGray;
            this.gauge.LabelColor = Color.Black;
            this.gauge.ShowMinMaxLabels = true;
            // MainForm
            this.ClientSize = new Size(360, 360);
            this.Text = "Gauge Demo - Scale & Tick Mark Configuration";

        private void ConfigureScaleAndTicks()
            // Further runtime adjustments or data binding can be applied here if necessary.

        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new MainForm());

This example demonstrates a basic configuration where the gauge is set to display 10 major tick marks with 5 minor ticks in between, along with customized colors for ticks and labels. Adjust the property values as needed to match your application’s design and data presentation requirements.


The Scale & Tick Mark Configuration feature provides granular control over how the gauge displays its reference markers. By setting properties for major and minor ticks, tick length, and color, developers can ensure that the gauge’s scale is both precise and visually appealing. This helps users quickly interpret the gauge's current value relative to its overall range.


The Scale & Tick Mark Configuration feature allows developers to fine-tune the visual presentation of the gauge’s scale. With properties controlling the number of ticks, their lengths, and the colors of both tick marks and labels, you can create a gauge that is both functionally precise and aesthetically consistent with your application’s design. Detailed tables, best practices, usage scenarios, troubleshooting tips, and a complete integration example are provided to facilitate easy integration and effective customization in your WinForms applications.

Additional sections such as Key Points, Best Practices, and Real Life Usage Scenarios further guide developers in optimizing the display of scale and tick marks, ensuring a clear and readable gauge interface.

Last updated