Input Processing and Guides

A feature that refines signature input by smoothing strokes, dynamically adjusting to pressure and velocity, and offering grid-based alignment for precise signature capture.


This feature combines advanced input processing with visual guides to improve signature capture quality. The control exposes properties such as SmoothingFactor, EnablePressureSensitivity, EnableVelocitySensitivity, VelocityFactor, AutoSmoothStrokes, EnableSnapping, and SnapThreshold for input processing, while also offering grid features through ShowGrid, GridColor, and GridSize. Together, these settings ensure that the signature appears natural and well-aligned, catering to both user input variability and application layout requirements.

Detailed Documentation

Key Points


Stroke Smoothing

SmoothingFactor and AutoSmoothStrokes – Control how aggressively strokes are smoothed for natural fluidity.

Dynamic Input Sensitivity

EnablePressureSensitivity and EnableVelocitySensitivity – Adjust stroke width based on input pressure and speed.

Velocity Adjustment

VelocityFactor – Fine-tune the impact of drawing speed on stroke appearance.

Grid Alignment

EnableSnapping and SnapThreshold – Automatically align drawn points to a grid for improved consistency.

Visual Guides

ShowGrid, GridColor, and GridSize – Display a customizable grid overlay to assist users with alignment.

Best Practices


Balance Smoothing and Detail

Adjust SmoothingFactor and AutoSmoothStrokes to maintain the signature’s natural look without losing critical details.

Calibrate Sensitivity

Test and fine-tune EnablePressureSensitivity, EnableVelocitySensitivity, and VelocityFactor based on the typical input device characteristics.

Utilize Grid Guides Effectively

When alignment is crucial, enable snapping and adjust SnapThreshold to achieve a balance between guidance and user control.

Consistent Visual Feedback

Set ShowGrid, GridColor, and GridSize to match your application's design, ensuring that visual guides are both functional and unobtrusive.

Common Pitfalls



Excessive smoothing can remove important signature details; adjust SmoothingFactor gradually and test thoroughly.

Excessive Dynamic Variability

Overly sensitive pressure or velocity adjustments may produce inconsistent stroke widths; calibrate sensitivity parameters based on user input.

Inappropriate Snap Threshold

A too-low or too-high SnapThreshold can lead to unresponsive or overly aggressive grid snapping; fine-tune based on the control’s size and grid spacing.

Clashing Visual Elements

An overly prominent grid (improper GridColor or GridSize) might distract from the signature; choose subtle grid settings for a clean look.

Usage Scenarios


Improved Signature Accuracy

Use stroke smoothing and snapping to capture signatures that closely resemble natural handwriting with precise alignment.

Training or Tutorial Modes

Enable visual grid guides to help new users understand where to sign and how to align their signature strokes.

Adaptive Input Devices

Leverage pressure and velocity sensitivity to optimize signature capture on touch-enabled or stylus-based devices for a more authentic look.

Real Life Usage Scenarios


Banking and Finance

Applications requiring high accuracy in signature capture benefit from input processing and grid guides for consistent, verifiable signatures.

Legal Documentation

Legal apps use dynamic input sensitivity to capture natural signatures while grid snapping ensures that signatures are neatly aligned.

Digital Art and Design

Creative applications leverage smoothing and dynamic adjustments to mimic calligraphic effects and freehand drawing nuances.

Code Examples

Example 1: Configuring Input Processing with Visual Guides

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class InputProcessingForm : Form
    private SiticoneSignaturePad signaturePad;
    public InputProcessingForm()
        // Initialize the signature pad control with input processing and grid guides enabled
        signaturePad = new SiticoneSignaturePad
            Location = new Point(10, 10),
            Size = new Size(400, 200),
            // Input Processing Settings
            SmoothingFactor = 5,
            AutoSmoothStrokes = true,
            EnablePressureSensitivity = true,
            EnableVelocitySensitivity = true,
            VelocityFactor = 0.5f,
            // Grid Guide Settings
            EnableSnapping = true,
            SnapThreshold = 10,
            ShowGrid = true,
            GridColor = Color.LightGray,
            GridSize = 20

        // Add the signature pad to the form
    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new InputProcessingForm());

Example 2: Dynamically Adjusting Grid and Input Settings

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class DynamicInputProcessingForm : Form
    private SiticoneSignaturePad signaturePad;
    private Button updateSettingsButton;
    public DynamicInputProcessingForm()
        signaturePad = new SiticoneSignaturePad
            Location = new Point(10, 10),
            Size = new Size(400, 200)

        updateSettingsButton = new Button
            Text = "Update Settings",
            Location = new Point(10, 220),
            Size = new Size(150, 30)
        updateSettingsButton.Click += UpdateSettingsButton_Click;

    private void UpdateSettingsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Toggle grid visibility
        signaturePad.ShowGrid = !signaturePad.ShowGrid;

        // Adjust input processing settings dynamically
        signaturePad.SmoothingFactor = signaturePad.SmoothingFactor == 5 ? 3 : 5;
        signaturePad.VelocityFactor = signaturePad.VelocityFactor == 0.5f ? 0.3f : 0.5f;
        MessageBox.Show("Input processing and grid settings updated.", "Settings Changed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new DynamicInputProcessingForm());

Troubleshooting Tips


Test on Various Devices

Validate that pressure and velocity adjustments produce consistent results across different input devices.

Fine-Tune Snap Threshold

If snapping feels too rigid or lenient, adjust SnapThreshold incrementally until the behavior meets your application's needs.

Verify Grid Visibility

If the grid is not displaying correctly, check that ShowGrid is enabled and that GridColor and GridSize are set to visible yet unobtrusive values.

Monitor Smoothing Effects

Over-smoothing can obscure signature details; if this occurs, reduce the SmoothingFactor or disable AutoSmoothStrokes for testing.


Review Comments


The input processing and grid guide properties are simple to integrate and modify, allowing rapid customization for different application needs.

User Experience

Enhances the natural appearance and alignment of signatures, contributing to both functionality and aesthetic quality.


Offers a robust set of options to balance dynamic input variability with structured visual guidance, adaptable across diverse scenarios.


The Input Processing and Guides feature in the SiticoneSignaturePad control combines dynamic stroke processing with grid-based alignment to deliver high-quality, natural-looking signatures. By fine-tuning properties related to smoothing, pressure, velocity, and snapping, developers can significantly enhance the signature capture experience. The provided code examples, best practices, and troubleshooting tips offer practical guidance for integrating this feature effectively in your WinForms applications.

Last updated