Selection Indicator Customization

This feature enables developers to customize the visual style and layout of the selection indicator (checkmark) that appears when a chip is selected, ensuring clear feedback that aligns with the app.


The Selection Indicator Customization feature provides properties to tailor the appearance of the checkmark displayed on the chip when it is selected. Developers can adjust the checkmark's color, thickness, scale, padding, visibility, and container width to best suit their user interface. These properties help maintain design consistency while offering visual feedback for chip selection.

Default Value
Valid Range / Notes


Determines whether the checkmark is displayed when the chip is selected.


Boolean value; set to false to hide the checkmark.


Sets the color of the checkmark symbol.

(Same as AccentColor)

Any valid System.Drawing.Color value.


Specifies the line thickness of the checkmark symbol.


Float value; typically between 1f and 5f.


Adjusts the scale factor for the size of the checkmark relative to its container.


Float value; acceptable range is from 0.2 to 1.0.


Provides padding around the checkmark, affecting its placement within the chip.

Padding(8, 8, 0, 8)

System.Windows.Forms.Padding value; adjust as needed for layout balance.


Defines the width of the container for the checkmark, influencing the overall checkmark size.


Integer value; minimum of 12 and maximum of 40 pixels.

Key Points


Visual Feedback

The checkmark clearly indicates when a chip is selected, providing immediate visual confirmation of selection.

Customizable Appearance

Developers can fine-tune the checkmark's color, size, thickness, and padding to align with the overall design.

Layout Flexibility

Adjusting the container width and padding allows the checkmark to be positioned optimally within the chip.

Best Practices


Consistent Color Usage

Use a CheckmarkColor that complements the AccentColor and overall theme for a harmonious look.

Appropriate Sizing

Adjust CheckmarkScale and CheckmarkWidth to ensure the checkmark is visible without overwhelming the chip's content.

Maintain Readability

Ensure that the CheckmarkThickness is balanced with the scale so that the checkmark remains clear at different resolutions.

Common Pitfalls


Overly Large Checkmark

Setting a high CheckmarkScale or CheckmarkWidth may overshadow the chip's text and reduce overall readability.

Inadequate Padding

Insufficient CheckmarkPadding might cause the checkmark to appear cramped or misaligned, affecting the visual balance.

Color Mismatch

Choosing a CheckmarkColor that clashes with the chip's FillColor or AccentColor can lead to an inconsistent user interface.

Usage Scenarios


Selection Feedback

Chips used in selection scenarios (e.g., filters, tags) can display a checkmark when selected, providing clear visual feedback.

Themed UI Elements

Customize the checkmark to match the overall design language of the application, ensuring that selected chips stand out.

Dynamic Selection Indicators

Use the selection indicator in multi-select scenarios to quickly communicate selection status to the user.

Real Life Usage Scenarios

Real Life Example

Email Label Selection

In an email client, selecting a label chip could display a checkmark to confirm the active filter.

Task Management Applications

When a user selects a tag or category, a checkmark can provide immediate feedback that the item is active or chosen.

Dashboard Filters

In reporting dashboards, checkmarks on chips can indicate which filter options are currently applied.

Troubleshooting Tips


Verify Visibility Settings

If the checkmark does not appear, ensure that ShowCheckmark is set to true and that the chip is in the selected state.

Adjust Scale and Padding

Experiment with CheckmarkScale and CheckmarkPadding values if the checkmark appears too large, too small, or misaligned.

Confirm Color Contrast

Ensure that the CheckmarkColor contrasts sufficiently with the chip’s background for clear visibility.

Code Examples

Basic Selection Indicator Integration

The following example demonstrates how to integrate and customize the selection indicator (checkmark) on a chip:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class BasicSelectionIndicatorForm : Form
    private SiticoneChip chip;

    public BasicSelectionIndicatorForm()
        this.Text = "Selection Indicator Demo";
        this.Size = new Size(400, 250);

    private void InitializeChip()
        chip = new SiticoneChip
            Text = "Selectable Chip",
            Location = new Point(50, 50),
            Size = new Size(250, 40),
            // Selection Indicator Customization settings
            ShowCheckmark = true,
            CheckmarkColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen,
            CheckmarkThickness = 2f,
            CheckmarkScale = 0.6f,
            CheckmarkPadding = new Padding(8, 8, 0, 8),
            CheckmarkWidth = 20,
            // Additional interaction settings
            EnableSelection = true,
            IsSelected = false,
            FillColor = Color.LightGray,
            SelectedFillColor = Color.LightGreen,
            BorderColor = Color.DarkGray,
            BorderWidth = 1

        chip.SelectionChanged += (s, e) =>
            // Toggle selection state and update UI accordingly
            var selectedChip = s as SiticoneChip;
            MessageBox.Show($"{selectedChip.Text} selected state: {selectedChip.IsSelected}");


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new BasicSelectionIndicatorForm());

Advanced Customization with Dynamic Indicator

This example shows how to change the checkmark appearance dynamically based on user actions:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class DynamicSelectionIndicatorForm : Form
    private SiticoneChip chip;
    private Button toggleIndicatorButton;

    public DynamicSelectionIndicatorForm()
        this.Text = "Dynamic Selection Indicator Demo";
        this.Size = new Size(500, 300);

    private void InitializeComponents()
        chip = new SiticoneChip
            Text = "Dynamic Checkmark Chip",
            Location = new Point(50, 50),
            Size = new Size(300, 40),
            // Initial selection indicator settings
            ShowCheckmark = true,
            CheckmarkColor = Color.Blue,
            CheckmarkThickness = 2f,
            CheckmarkScale = 0.6f,
            CheckmarkPadding = new Padding(8, 8, 0, 8),
            CheckmarkWidth = 20,
            EnableSelection = true,
            IsSelected = false,
            FillColor = Color.WhiteSmoke,
            SelectedFillColor = Color.LightBlue,
            BorderColor = Color.Gray,
            BorderWidth = 1

        toggleIndicatorButton = new Button
            Text = "Toggle Checkmark Style",
            Location = new Point(50, 120),
            Size = new Size(200, 30)

        toggleIndicatorButton.Click += (s, e) =>
            // Toggle checkmark appearance based on current state
            if (chip.CheckmarkColor == Color.Blue)
                chip.CheckmarkColor = Color.DarkRed;
                chip.CheckmarkThickness = 3f;
                chip.CheckmarkScale = 0.8f;
                chip.CheckmarkColor = Color.Blue;
                chip.CheckmarkThickness = 2f;
                chip.CheckmarkScale = 0.6f;
            chip.Invalidate(); // Redraw chip with updated settings


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new DynamicSelectionIndicatorForm());


Review Comments

Clear Visual Feedback

The checkmark provides a straightforward and customizable indication of chip selection, enhancing user interaction clarity.

Flexible Customization

Properties for color, thickness, scale, and padding allow for detailed control over the selection indicator's appearance.

Ease of Integration

The selection indicator properties are simple to configure, making it easy to align the checkmark with your application's design theme.


The Selection Indicator Customization feature in the SiticoneChip control offers developers the ability to fine-tune the checkmark that appears when a chip is selected. With options to adjust color, thickness, scale, padding, and container width, this feature ensures that selection feedback is both visually appealing and consistent with the overall design. Proper configuration of these properties enhances usability and improves the overall user experience.

Additional Useful Sections

Integration Checklist

Checklist Item

Confirm Checkmark Visibility

Ensure ShowCheckmark is set to true and that IsSelected is toggled appropriately to display the checkmark.

Validate Sizing and Padding

Double-check that CheckmarkScale, CheckmarkThickness, and CheckmarkPadding provide a balanced and legible indicator.

Test Across Themes

Verify that the CheckmarkColor and related properties are consistent with the overall application theme.

Demo Tips


Live Style Preview

Allow users to modify checkmark properties (color, scale, thickness) at runtime to see immediate visual feedback.

Use Clear Event Logging

Log SelectionChanged events to help verify that the checkmark correctly reflects selection state changes.

Compare Before/After States

Provide side-by-side demos that show the chip before and after selection to emphasize the effectiveness of the customization.

This comprehensive documentation should assist developers in effectively integrating and customizing the Selection Indicator Customization feature of the SiticoneChip control, ensuring that the selection feedback is both intuitive and visually consistent with their application's design.

Last updated