Badge (Count) Features

A feature that allows developers to display and animate a numerical badge on the notification button to indicate the count of notifications.


The Badge (Notification Count) Features enable the SiticoneNotificationButton control to display a badge indicating the number of notifications. This feature is highly customizable through properties that control badge visibility, value, appearance (including background and text colors, font, and border), and animation behavior. Developers can also configure how the badge animates when its value changes or when it is shown/hidden.

Key Points


Visibility Control

ShowBadge determines whether the badge is displayed.

Value Display

BadgeValue sets the numerical value shown in the badge (values above 99 are represented as "99+").

Appearance Settings

BadgeBackColor, BadgeTextColor, BadgeFont, BadgeBorderColor, and BadgeBorderThickness control the badge's look.

Animation Options

BadgeAnimationSpeed and BadgeAnimationType allow developers to define how the badge animates when shown or updated.

Refresh Behavior

RefreshBadgeOnClick (if enabled) refreshes the badge animation when the control is clicked.

Best Practices

Best Practice

Use high-contrast colors for badge elements

Ensure that BadgeBackColor and BadgeTextColor provide clear readability and are consistent with your application's design.

Keep the badge value concise

Limit the badge value to numerical counts, using a concise representation like "99+" for values exceeding two digits.

Choose appropriate animation types and speeds

Select an animation type (ScaleInOut, Blink, ScaleUp, or Pulse) that matches the desired user experience and adjust BadgeAnimationSpeed accordingly.

Test badge visibility under different conditions

Validate that the badge appears correctly for various values (0, positive numbers, and high counts) and with or without animation enabled.

Common Pitfalls


Badge not visible when expected

If ShowBadge is set to false or BadgeValue is 0, the badge will not display.

Ensure that ShowBadge is enabled and BadgeValue is greater than 0 when needed.

Unintentionally long badge text

Large badge values may distort the badge layout.

The control automatically displays values over 99 as "99+", but test for edge cases.

Misconfigured animation settings

Incorrect settings for BadgeAnimationSpeed or BadgeAnimationType may cause animations to be too slow or too abrupt.

Test various settings to achieve smooth and visually appealing animations.

Usage Scenarios

When to Use

Displaying notification counts

When you need to show users the number of unread notifications or messages on a control.

Highlighting new updates or messages

Use animated badge updates to draw attention when the notification count increases or resets.

Responsive UI designs

When the UI requires dynamic elements that adapt their appearance and animations based on real-time data changes.

Code Examples

Example 1: Basic Badge Setup

This example demonstrates how to configure the badge to display a notification count with default animations.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class BadgeDemoForm : Form
    private SiticoneNotificationButton notificationButton;

    public BadgeDemoForm()
        notificationButton = new SiticoneNotificationButton
            Location = new Point(50, 50),
            Size = new Size(50, 50),
            // Enable the badge display and set a notification count
            ShowBadge = true,
            BadgeValue = 5,
            // Customize the badge appearance
            BadgeBackColor = Color.Red,
            BadgeTextColor = Color.White,
            BadgeFont = new Font("Segoe UI", 8f, FontStyle.Bold),
            BadgeBorderColor = Color.White,
            BadgeBorderThickness = 1,
            // Configure animation settings
            BadgeAnimationSpeed = 200,
            BadgeAnimationType = BadgeAnimationType.ScaleInOut,
            // Optional: Refresh badge on click
            RefreshBadgeOnClick = true,
            NotificationTooltip = "You have new notifications"


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new BadgeDemoForm());

Example 2: Dynamic Badge Update and Animation

This example shows how to update the badge value dynamically and trigger an animation when the count increases.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class DynamicBadgeForm : Form
    private SiticoneNotificationButton notificationButton;
    private Button increaseBadgeButton;

    public DynamicBadgeForm()
        notificationButton = new SiticoneNotificationButton
            Location = new Point(50, 50),
            Size = new Size(50, 50),
            ShowBadge = true,
            BadgeValue = 0,
            BadgeBackColor = Color.Red,
            BadgeTextColor = Color.White,
            BadgeFont = new Font("Segoe UI", 8f, FontStyle.Bold),
            BadgeBorderColor = Color.White,
            BadgeBorderThickness = 1,
            BadgeAnimationSpeed = 200,
            BadgeAnimationType = BadgeAnimationType.Pulse,
            NotificationTooltip = "Notifications will update dynamically"

        increaseBadgeButton = new Button
            Text = "Increase Badge Count",
            Location = new Point(50, 120)

        increaseBadgeButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
            // Increase the badge count and trigger the animation
            notificationButton.BadgeValue += 1;


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new DynamicBadgeForm());


The Badge (Notification Count) Features provide a robust way to visually communicate notification counts on the SiticoneNotificationButton control. With extensive customization options for appearance and animation, developers can tailor the badge to fit various application styles and enhance user interaction through dynamic updates.


The Badge (Notification Count) Features in the SiticoneNotificationButton control allow for clear and customizable display of notification counts. By using properties such as ShowBadge, BadgeValue, and various appearance and animation settings, developers can implement a visually appealing and interactive notification badge that fits seamlessly into their application's design.

Additional Notes


Automatic Animation Handling

The control automatically manages badge animations based on the BadgeAnimationType and BadgeAnimationSpeed properties.

Adaptive Layout Considerations

The badge dimensions adapt to the content, ensuring proper display for various numerical values, including large counts represented as "99+".

Integration with Other Features

The badge feature works in tandem with tooltip and layout customizations to provide a cohesive user experience.

Usage Scenarios Recap

When to Use

Notification Count Display

Use when your application needs to show real-time counts of unread notifications or messages.

Attention-Grabbing Animations

Leverage badge animations to alert users when new notifications are available.

Dynamic UI Updates

Ideal for applications where notification data changes frequently, requiring dynamic visual feedback.

By following this comprehensive documentation and utilizing the provided code examples, developers can effectively integrate and customize the Badge (Notification Count) Features of the SiticoneNotificationButton control in their .NET WinForms applications.

Last updated