Accessibility & Data Binding

This feature integrates robust accessibility support with data binding capabilities to ensure that the control is usable with assistive technologies and seamlessly integrates into data-driven applicat


The Accessibility & Data Binding feature of the SiticoneHTrackBar control is designed to make the slider both accessible to users with disabilities and easily integrable with modern data-binding frameworks. Accessibility is achieved through pre-configured properties (such as AccessibleName, AccessibleDescription, and AccessibleRole) and a custom accessible object, while data binding is facilitated by the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged and bindable properties.

Property and Method Reference Table

The table below summarizes the key accessibility and data binding properties and methods available for the SiticoneHTrackBar control:

Property / Method
Default Value



The name of the control used by assistive technologies.

"Horizontal TrackBar"




A brief description of the control for screen readers.

"A horizontal trackbar control that allows users to select a value within a specified range."




Defines the role of the control (e.g., Slider) for accessibility purposes.





Event raised when a property value changes, supporting data binding scenarios.


Data Binding



Gets or sets the current value; marked as bindable to support data integration.





Defines the minimum allowable value for the slider; bindable for dynamic data scenarios.





Defines the maximum allowable value; bindable for dynamic data scenarios.





Determines the increment/decrement step for the slider; bindable for data consistency.



Event Reference Table

Key events for data binding and accessibility feedback include:

Delegate Type



Notifies subscribers when a bindable property has changed.

Code Integration Example

The following code example demonstrates how to integrate the accessibility and data binding features of the SiticoneHTrackBar control within a WinForms application. In this demo, the trackbar's value is data-bound to a TextBox, and accessible properties are utilized to support screen readers.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class AccessibilityDataBindingDemoForm : Form
    private SiticoneHTrackBar trackBar;
    private TextBox valueTextBox;
    private Label infoLabel;

    public AccessibilityDataBindingDemoForm()

    private void InitializeComponent()
        // Instantiate the trackbar control
        trackBar = new SiticoneHTrackBar
            Location = new Point(20, 20),
            Size = new Size(300, 40),
            Minimum = 0,
            Maximum = 100,
            Value = 50

        // Accessible properties are automatically set:
        // trackBar.AccessibleName = "Horizontal TrackBar";
        // trackBar.AccessibleDescription = "A horizontal trackbar control that allows users to select a value within a specified range.";
        // trackBar.AccessibleRole = AccessibleRole.Slider;

        // Label for additional instructions
        infoLabel = new Label
            Location = new Point(20, 70),
            Size = new Size(300, 25),
            Text = "Adjust the slider; the value is data-bound to the TextBox below.",
            Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10)

        // TextBox to display the bound value from the slider
        valueTextBox = new TextBox
            Location = new Point(20, 100),
            Size = new Size(150, 25),
            Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10)

        // Add controls to the form

        // Form settings
        Text = "Accessibility & Data Binding Demo";
        ClientSize = new Size(360, 150);

    private void SetupDataBinding()
        // Bind the Text property of the TextBox to the Value property of the trackBar.
        // The binding uses PropertyChanged notifications for real-time updates.
        valueTextBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", trackBar, "Value", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);

    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new AccessibilityDataBindingDemoForm());

Key Points

The table below highlights the essential aspects of the Accessibility & Data Binding feature:

Key Aspect

Assistive Technology Support

Pre-configured accessible properties (AccessibleName, AccessibleDescription, AccessibleRole) aid screen readers.

Custom Accessible Object

A custom accessible object is implemented to enhance accessibility compliance.

Data Binding Support

Implements INotifyPropertyChanged to facilitate seamless data binding with UI components.

Bindable Properties

Core properties such as Value, Minimum, Maximum, and Step are bindable, enabling integration with data models.

Best Practices

Follow these recommendations to ensure optimal use of accessibility and data binding:

Best Practice

Set Clear Accessible Names and Descriptions

Customize AccessibleName and AccessibleDescription to provide context for assistive technologies.

Use Data Binding for Synchronization

Bind UI elements to the control’s properties to maintain consistency between the UI and the data model.

Test with Assistive Technologies

Regularly test the control with screen readers and other assistive tools to ensure accessibility compliance.

Leverage PropertyChanged Events

Utilize the PropertyChanged event to trigger additional UI updates when bound properties change.

Common Pitfalls

Avoid these common mistakes when working with accessibility and data binding:

How to Avoid

Overlooking Accessible Property Customization

Ensure that AccessibleName and AccessibleDescription are set meaningfully rather than left to defaults.

Neglecting Data Binding Updates

Verify that data binding is set up correctly so that UI elements update immediately on property changes.

Failing to Implement INotifyPropertyChanged

Always raise the PropertyChanged event when a bindable property is modified to support data binding.

Testing Only in Design Mode

Test the control in both design and runtime environments, especially with assistive technologies enabled.

Usage Scenarios

Accessibility & Data Binding is ideal for scenarios such as:


Enterprise Applications

Where accessibility compliance is mandated and UI elements must integrate seamlessly with data models.

Form-Driven User Interfaces

When real-time synchronization between control values and other UI components is required.

Multi-User Applications

Ensuring that all users, including those using assistive technologies, receive a consistent experience.

Real Life Usage Scenarios

Consider these practical examples where accessibility and data binding are crucial:

Real Life Scenario

Healthcare Management Systems

Use accessible controls to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can interact with critical data.

Financial Dashboards

Bind slider values to real-time data models while providing clear accessible descriptions for compliance.

Educational Software

Enhance usability for all learners by ensuring controls are both data-bound and compatible with screen readers.

Troubleshooting Tips

If issues arise with accessibility and data binding, consider the following tips:

Troubleshooting Step

Data Binding Not Updating

Confirm that the PropertyChanged event is raised correctly when properties change.

Accessible Properties Not Recognized

Verify that AccessibleName, AccessibleDescription, and AccessibleRole are set and not overridden by themes.

Inconsistent UI Synchronization

Check the data binding mode and ensure that UI updates occur in real time using DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged.

Screen Reader Issues

Test the control with multiple screen readers to ensure that custom accessible properties are correctly interpreted.


A review of the Accessibility & Data Binding feature indicates that the SiticoneHTrackBar control is well-equipped to meet modern accessibility standards while seamlessly integrating into data-driven applications.

Review Aspect


Robust – built-in accessible properties and a custom accessible object provide comprehensive support.

Data Binding

Efficient – the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged ensures smooth synchronization with the data model.

Integration Ease

High – clear bindable properties and events simplify integration into various application scenarios.


Excellent – thoughtful accessibility and data binding features improve overall user experience.


The Accessibility & Data Binding feature of the SiticoneHTrackBar control ensures that the slider is both accessible to users with disabilities and easily integrated with data-driven applications through robust bindable properties and comprehensive accessible support.

Additional Resources


API Documentation

Refer to the SiticoneNetFrameworkUI API for detailed information on accessible and bindable properties.

Sample Projects

Explore demo projects that illustrate the control’s accessibility and data binding capabilities.

Developer Forums

Engage with community forums for additional tips, best practices, and troubleshooting related to accessibility and data binding.

By adhering to the guidelines and examples provided in this documentation, developers can successfully implement and customize the accessibility and data binding features of the SiticoneHTrackBar control in their .NET WinForms applications, ensuring a user-friendly and compliant interface.

Last updated