Additional Behavior Settings

A feature that enables developers to fine-tune the overall behavior and interaction of the SiticoneNotificationButton control, affecting its interactivity, feedback, and response to user actions.


The Additional Behavior Settings in the SiticoneNotificationButton control allow developers to customize how the control behaves in various scenarios. This includes setting the control as read-only, enabling or disabling interactive effects like mute toggling and bounce animations, and controlling whether clicking the control refreshes the badge. These settings help adapt the control’s responsiveness to specific application requirements.

Key Points


Read-Only Mode

The IsReadOnly property makes the control non-interactive, preventing user actions while optionally providing visual or auditory feedback.

Mute Toggle Behavior

The CanMute property determines if clicking the control toggles the mute state, while the IsMuted property reflects the current mute state.

Badge Refresh on Click

The RefreshBadgeOnClick property enables the control to refresh or reanimate the badge when the control is clicked.

Interactive Bounce

The InteractiveBounce property allows enabling additional bounce animations when the control is interacted with, complementing the standard bounce effects.

Additional Feedback Options

Properties such as CanShake and CanBeep (typically used in read-only mode) provide visual and auditory feedback when user actions are not allowed.

Best Practices

Best Practice

Clearly indicate non-interactivity

When IsReadOnly is set, consider using visual cues (e.g., a change in cursor or appearance) and enabling shake/beep feedback to inform users.

Enable mute functionality judiciously

Use CanMute only when toggling the mute state is an intended user action to avoid accidental state changes.

Use badge refresh appropriately

Activate RefreshBadgeOnClick when badge animation is important to your user experience, but ensure it does not conflict with other interactive effects.

Coordinate interactive bounce with overall UI feedback

If using InteractiveBounce, ensure that the additional bounce animation does not distract from the main functionality or conflict with other animations.

Common Pitfalls


Misleading read-only feedback

Not providing any visual or auditory feedback when the control is non-interactive can confuse users.

Always enable feedback (e.g., using CanShake and CanBeep) when IsReadOnly is active to signal the state.

Unintended mute toggling

If CanMute is enabled in contexts where mute toggling is not desired, it can lead to accidental changes.

Disable CanMute when muting is not appropriate for the specific context or user interaction.

Overuse of interactive bounce

Excessive bounce animations may make the UI feel gimmicky or reduce the perceived responsiveness of the control.

Use InteractiveBounce sparingly and test its effect with your overall design to maintain a balanced interaction.

Inconsistent badge refresh behavior

Automatically refreshing the badge on every click might not be desired in all scenarios.

Configure RefreshBadgeOnClick based on the intended interaction model and user expectations.

Usage Scenarios

When to Use

Read-Only Displays

When the control should not be interactive (e.g., status indicators or notifications in a locked state), use IsReadOnly with feedback.

User-Driven Mute Control

When you want to let users toggle notification sounds directly from the control, enable CanMute and manage IsMuted.

Dynamic Notification Updates

In applications where the badge should reanimate upon clicks (e.g., to signal new information), set RefreshBadgeOnClick to true.

Enhanced Interaction Feedback

Use InteractiveBounce to provide additional visual feedback during active interactions, complementing the standard animations.

Code Examples

Example 1: Read-Only Mode with Feedback

This example shows how to set the control to read-only mode, enabling both shake and beep feedback to inform users that the control is non-interactive.

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class ReadOnlyBehaviorForm : Form
    private SiticoneNotificationButton notificationButton;
    private Button toggleReadOnlyButton;

    public ReadOnlyBehaviorForm()
        notificationButton = new SiticoneNotificationButton
            Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 50),
            Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 50),
            IsReadOnly = true,    // Make the control non-interactive
            CanShake = true,      // Enable shake feedback on interaction attempts
            CanBeep = true,       // Enable beep feedback on interaction attempts
            NotificationTooltip = "This control is read-only"

        toggleReadOnlyButton = new Button
            Text = "Toggle Read-Only",
            Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 120)

        toggleReadOnlyButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
            // Toggle the read-only state and update tooltip accordingly
            notificationButton.IsReadOnly = !notificationButton.IsReadOnly;
            notificationButton.NotificationTooltip = notificationButton.IsReadOnly 
                ? "This control is read-only" 
                : "Control is interactive";


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new ReadOnlyBehaviorForm());

Example 2: Enabling Mute and Refresh Badge on Click

This example demonstrates how to enable mute toggling and refresh the badge animation upon clicking the control.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class MuteAndBadgeRefreshForm : Form
    private SiticoneNotificationButton notificationButton;
    private Button toggleMuteButton;

    public MuteAndBadgeRefreshForm()
        notificationButton = new SiticoneNotificationButton
            Location = new Point(50, 50),
            Size = new Size(50, 50),
            // Enable mute functionality
            CanMute = true,
            IsMuted = false,
            // Enable badge refresh on click
            RefreshBadgeOnClick = true,
            // Set an initial badge value and tooltip
            ShowBadge = true,
            BadgeValue = 3,
            NotificationTooltip = "Click to toggle mute and refresh badge"

        toggleMuteButton = new Button
            Text = "Toggle Mute Programmatically",
            Location = new Point(50, 120)

        toggleMuteButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
            // Programmatically toggle the mute state
            notificationButton.IsMuted = !notificationButton.IsMuted;


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new MuteAndBadgeRefreshForm());


The Additional Behavior Settings allow developers to control the interactive aspects of the SiticoneNotificationButton control beyond its visual appearance. By configuring properties such as IsReadOnly, CanMute, RefreshBadgeOnClick, and InteractiveBounce, you can tailor the control’s behavior to provide the intended user experience. This ensures that feedback is consistent and appropriate for the context in which the control is used.


The Additional Behavior Settings feature provides developers with the flexibility to define how the SiticoneNotificationButton control responds to user actions. Whether it is setting the control to read-only mode with visual and auditory feedback, enabling mute toggling, or refreshing badge animations on click, these settings help integrate the control seamlessly into diverse application scenarios.

Additional Notes


Feedback integration

Use feedback options (shake and beep) in read-only mode to clearly indicate that user actions are not processed.

Interaction consistency

Coordinate additional behavior settings with visual and animation customizations to maintain a cohesive user experience across the UI.

Testing across scenarios

Ensure thorough testing in both interactive and non-interactive modes to verify that the behavior settings meet user expectations.

Usage Scenarios Recap

When to Use

Non-interactive state display

Use when the control should only display information without accepting user input, utilizing IsReadOnly with feedback.

Direct mute control and notification updates

Enable CanMute and RefreshBadgeOnClick to allow users to toggle sound settings and see immediate badge feedback on interaction.

Enhancing interactive feedback

Combine InteractiveBounce with other interactive settings to create a more engaging and responsive control experience.

By following this comprehensive documentation and leveraging the provided code examples, developers can effectively integrate and customize the Additional Behavior Settings of the SiticoneNotificationButton control, ensuring that its interactive behavior aligns with the needs of their .NET WinForms applications.

Last updated