Data Management

Data Management provides the properties needed to configure the core DateTime value, its time kind, and cultural context for humanizing date/time values.


The Data Management feature of the SiticoneHumanizerDateTime control allows developers to set and retrieve the primary DateTime value for humanization, along with its associated time kind (local or UTC) and cultural formatting. This ensures that date/time values are correctly interpreted and displayed in a natural language format.



The core DateTime value to be humanized.


Specifies whether to treat the DateTime as local or UTC.


Provides the cultural context for date and time formatting.


A read-only property that returns the humanized string representation of the DateTime value.

Key Points



Holds the DateTime value to be converted into a natural language format.


Determines if the Date property is treated as local time or UTC, affecting calculations.


Specifies the cultural context for formatting date/time outputs.


Read-only property returning the humanized date/time representation.

Best Practices


Setting Date

Always assign a valid DateTime value; avoid using default values like DateTime.MinValue unless intended.

Consistent PreferredKind

Ensure PreferredKind aligns with your application’s handling of local or UTC times to prevent conversion issues.

Explicit Culture Assignment

Set the Culture property explicitly when targeting a specific regional format to avoid relying on defaults.

Read-only Humanize Usage

Use the Humanize property only for display or logging purposes and avoid modifying it programmatically.

Common Pitfalls


Using Unspecified DateTime

A DateTime with DateTimeKind.Unspecified may lead to unexpected results if not normalized properly.

Neglecting PreferredKind Setting

Failing to set PreferredKind correctly might result in discrepancies between local and UTC time displays.

Relying on Default Culture

Not explicitly setting Culture can cause inconsistent formatting in multi-cultural or international applications.

Usage Scenarios


Simple Date Humanization

Set a DateTime value and retrieve the humanized string for display in a UI label or log.

Local vs. UTC Handling

Configure PreferredKind to manage how Date values are interpreted and ensure correct time zone conversion.


Use the Culture property to format the date in a region-specific manner.

Real Life Usage Scenarios


Global Event Logging

In logging systems where events occur across different time zones, set PreferredKind to manage local and UTC time properly.

User Interface for International Users

In applications with a global audience, explicitly set Culture to present dates in the user's regional format.

Reporting and Analytics

Use the Humanize property to provide natural language summaries (e.g., "3 hours ago") for time-based analytics.

Troubleshooting Tips


Incorrect Humanized Output

Verify that the Date, PreferredKind, and Culture properties are set correctly and consistently throughout the application.

Unexpected Results with Extreme Date Values

Ensure that special cases like DateTime.MinValue or DateTime.MaxValue are handled as per application requirements.

Inconsistent Formatting

Check that the Culture property is explicitly set if the output formatting does not match the expected regional standards.

Code Samples and Integration Examples

Basic Usage Example

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

namespace DemoApp
    public class Demo
        public static void Main()
            // Create an instance of the SiticoneHumanizerDateTime control
            SiticoneHumanizerDateTime humanizer = new SiticoneHumanizerDateTime();

            // Set the primary date to a specific time (5 hours ago)
            humanizer.Date = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-5);

            // Define how the DateTime value should be interpreted (local time)
            humanizer.PreferredKind = DateTimeKind.Local;

            // Set the cultural context explicitly for US English formatting
            humanizer.Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

            // Retrieve the humanized output (e.g., "5 hours ago")
            string humanizedOutput = humanizer.Humanize;
            Console.WriteLine("Humanized Date: " + humanizedOutput);

Localization and Time Zone Handling

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

namespace InternationalDemo
    public class LocalizationDemo
        public static void Main()
            // Initialize the humanizer control
            SiticoneHumanizerDateTime humanizer = new SiticoneHumanizerDateTime();

            // Assign a specific DateTime value
            humanizer.Date = new DateTime(2025, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59);

            // Set the preferred time kind to UTC
            humanizer.PreferredKind = DateTimeKind.Utc;

            // Change culture to French (France) for localization
            humanizer.Culture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");

            // Output the humanized date string
            Console.WriteLine("Date humanisé: " + humanizer.Humanize);




The Data Management feature offers a simple yet powerful way to configure the input DateTime and its associated context.


Integrates seamlessly with .NET applications by leveraging standard DateTime and CultureInfo constructs.


Provides flexibility through PreferredKind and Culture properties for accurate and culturally relevant date display.


Summary Aspect

Core Date Management

Manages the central DateTime value with properties for time zone and cultural context.


PreferredKind and Culture ensure that the DateTime is interpreted and formatted correctly based on application needs.

Ease of Use

The read-only Humanize property offers an immediate natural language representation of the date, simplifying integration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What happens if Culture is not set?

The control defaults to CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, which might not match the intended locale in international applications.

Can DateTime.MinValue be used for Date?

While it is allowed, using extreme values may trigger special handling in the humanization logic.

How does PreferredKind affect output?

It ensures that date/time calculations are consistent with either local time or UTC, depending on your setting.

Tips for Developers


Validate Date Input

Always validate that the Date property receives a proper DateTime value to avoid unintentional special case handling.

Consistent Application Settings

Use a central configuration for Culture and PreferredKind to maintain consistency across your application.


Test with various DateTime values, including edge cases like DateTime.MinValue and DateTime.MaxValue, to ensure robust output.

By following this documentation for Data Management, developers can integrate the SiticoneHumanizerDateTime control efficiently, ensuring that date/time values are displayed accurately and naturally within their .NET WinForms applications.

Last updated