Gradient Customization

This feature lets you enable a gradient fill on the gauge and, if desired, use a custom gradient by providing an array of colors and corresponding position stops.


The Gradient Customization feature exposes public properties in the SiticoneGaugeClock control that let you toggle a gradient fill on the gauge. Additionally, you can enable a custom gradient by supplying arrays of colors and positions. This ensures that the gauge’s progress arc can match a wide range of visual themes, whether using a standard two-color gradient or a more complex custom blend.

Feature Settings and Customization

The table below outlines the available properties for Gradient Customization, describing their function, default or typical values, and sample usage snippets.

Default Value / Range
Usage Example


Toggles the application of a gradient fill on the gauge’s progress arc.

true (typically enabled by default)

gauge.UseGradient = true;


Enables the use of a custom gradient instead of the standard two-color gradient.

false (by default)

gauge.UseCustomGradient = true;


An array of Color values that define the custom gradient colors; requires at least two colors.

Must contain at least 2 colors

gauge.CustomGradientColors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Red };


An array of float values (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0) that define the relative positions of each color in the custom gradient; must match the length of CustomGradientColors.

Must contain at least 2 positions; each between 0 and 1

gauge.CustomGradientPositions = new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f };

Key Points

The table below summarizes the critical aspects of the Gradient Customization feature.


Flexible Appearance

Enables both standard and custom gradient fills, allowing the gauge to blend seamlessly with varied UI themes.

Custom Gradient Requirements

When using a custom gradient, ensure that at least two colors and two corresponding position stops are provided.

Dynamic Rendering

The gradient is applied dynamically as part of the gauge’s drawing routine, ensuring real-time updates when properties change.

Best Practices

The following table outlines best practices to achieve the desired gradient effect.

Code Example

Use Complementary Colors

Select gradient colors that provide sufficient contrast and blend smoothly for visual clarity.

gauge.CustomGradientColors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.LightBlue };

Validate Position Stops

Ensure that the CustomGradientPositions values are in ascending order and within the 0.0–1.0 range to prevent errors.

gauge.CustomGradientPositions = new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f };

Test Both Standard and Custom Modes

Experiment with both UseGradient and UseCustomGradient to determine which best fits your design, keeping performance considerations in mind.

gauge.UseCustomGradient = true;

Provide Sufficient Color Stops

For more complex gradients, supply additional color stops to achieve a smoother transition between hues.

gauge.CustomGradientColors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Purple, Color.Red }; gauge.CustomGradientPositions = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f };

Common Pitfalls

The table below outlines common pitfalls when working with gradient customization.


Mismatched Array Lengths

Providing a different number of colors and position stops leads to errors.

Ensure both arrays have the same length and at least two elements each.

Invalid Position Values

Setting positions outside the range of 0.0 to 1.0 may result in exceptions or undefined behavior.

Validate that all CustomGradientPositions are within [0.0, 1.0].

Overcomplicating the Gradient

Using too many colors or stops may create a distracting or visually overwhelming effect.

Keep the gradient subtle and test for visual appeal on the target display.

Usage Scenarios

The table below describes typical scenarios where Gradient Customization is beneficial.

Sample Code

Corporate Dashboards

Use a custom gradient that aligns with company colors for a cohesive brand appearance.

gauge.UseCustomGradient = true; gauge.CustomGradientColors = new Color[] { Color.DarkBlue, Color.LightBlue }; gauge.CustomGradientPositions = new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f };

Consumer Electronics Interfaces

Apply a vibrant gradient to make gauge progress visually striking in high-contrast, modern UI designs.

gauge.UseGradient = true; gauge.GaugeStartColor = Color.Green; gauge.GaugeEndColor = Color.Yellow;

Data Visualization Tools

Dynamically update gradients to reflect different data states or thresholds.

(Dynamically update gradient properties based on data changes.)

Real Life Usage Scenarios

The table below presents real-world examples demonstrating how gradient customization is applied.

Real Life Scenario
Code Example

Financial Analytics Dashboard

A gauge displays market volatility using a gradient that transitions from cool blue to warm red.

gauge.UseCustomGradient = true; gauge.CustomGradientColors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Red }; gauge.CustomGradientPositions = new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f };

Healthcare Monitoring System

A gauge uses a soothing two-color gradient to indicate stable patient conditions.

gauge.UseGradient = true; gauge.GaugeStartColor = Color.LightGreen; gauge.GaugeEndColor = Color.Green;

Industrial Process Control

A gauge employs a custom gradient with multiple stops to accurately reflect various operational states.

gauge.UseCustomGradient = true; gauge.CustomGradientColors = new Color[] { Color.Orange, Color.Yellow, Color.Green }; gauge.CustomGradientPositions = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f };

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues with gradient rendering, consider the following troubleshooting steps.

Potential Cause
Suggested Resolution

Gradient Not Displaying as Expected

UseCustomGradient may be enabled without proper color or position arrays.

Verify that both CustomGradientColors and CustomGradientPositions are properly initialized and have matching lengths.

Exception When Setting Gradient Properties

Invalid position values (outside 0.0–1.0) or mismatched arrays can throw exceptions.

Clamp position values to the 0.0–1.0 range and ensure both arrays have the same number of elements.

Inconsistent Visual Output

The gradient appears too subtle or too harsh depending on the chosen colors.

Experiment with different color contrasts and position stop values to achieve the desired effect.

Integration Example

Below is a complete code sample showing how to integrate and customize the Gradient Customization settings in a WinForms application:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI; // Ensure the namespace matches your project setup

namespace GaugeDemoApp
    public class MainForm : Form
        private SiticoneGaugeClock gauge;

        public MainForm()

        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.gauge = new SiticoneGaugeClock();
            // gauge
            this.gauge.Location = new Point(30, 30);
            this.gauge.Size = new Size(300, 300);
            // Gradient Customization settings
            // Enable custom gradient mode with two colors transitioning from Blue to Red
            this.gauge.UseCustomGradient = true;
            this.gauge.CustomGradientColors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Red };
            this.gauge.CustomGradientPositions = new float[] { 0.0f, 1.0f };
            // Alternatively, use the standard gradient settings
            // this.gauge.UseGradient = true;
            // this.gauge.GaugeStartColor = Color.Blue;
            // this.gauge.GaugeEndColor = Color.Red;
            // MainForm
            this.ClientSize = new Size(360, 360);
            this.Text = "Gauge Demo - Gradient Customization";

        private void ConfigureGradient()
            // Additional runtime adjustments can be applied here if necessary.

        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new MainForm());

This example demonstrates how to enable a custom gradient that transitions from blue to red. Developers can switch to the standard gradient mode by setting UseGradient and configuring GaugeStartColor and GaugeEndColor instead.


The Gradient Customization feature offers flexible control over the gauge’s fill style, whether through a simple two-color gradient or a more complex custom gradient with multiple stops. This flexibility ensures that the gauge can adapt to various UI designs and data visualization needs.


The Gradient Customization feature allows developers to enhance the gauge’s visual presentation by applying gradient fills to the progress arc. By toggling between a standard gradient and a custom gradient mode—and by providing arrays for colors and position stops—this feature enables precise control over the gauge’s appearance. Comprehensive tables, best practices, usage scenarios, troubleshooting tips, and a full integration example have been provided to facilitate seamless integration and optimal results in your WinForms applications.

Additional sections such as Key Points, Best Practices, and Real Life Usage Scenarios provide further insights to help avoid common pitfalls and ensure a visually appealing and consistent gradient effect.

Last updated