Additional Features & Events

A control feature that provides additional customization options—including dynamic lighting, interactive mode, and event notifications for gauge value changes and animations.


The Additional Features & Events group encompasses properties that extend the gauge’s capabilities beyond visual styling. These include toggling dynamic lighting (via EnableDynamicLighting), interactive modes (via InteractiveMode), and glow effects (via EnableGlowEffect), as well as events like ValueChanged, ValueHasChanged, AnimationCompleted, and PropertyChanged that notify the host application of state changes. This combination of extra features and event notifications allows for greater control, data binding, and interactivity within your WinForms applications.

Key Points

Code Reference / Example

Dynamic Lighting

Enables dynamic lighting effects on the gauge, enhancing its visual realism.

csharp\nmyGauge.EnableDynamicLighting = true;\nmyGauge.AmbientLightIntensity = 0.5f;

Interactive Mode

Allows users to modify the gauge value through mouse interactions.

csharp\nmyGauge.InteractiveMode = true;

Glow Effect

Provides an additional glow effect (often synonymous with neon effects) to emphasize the gauge's appearance.

csharp\nmyGauge.EnableGlowEffect = true;

Event Notifications

Notifies the application when the gauge value changes, when an animation completes, or when a property is updated.

csharp\n// Example of event subscription\nmyGauge.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { /* Handle value update */ };\nmyGauge.AnimationCompleted += (s, e) => { /* Handle animation end */ };

Best Practices

Example / Explanation

Use Events for Data Binding

Leverage events like ValueChanged and PropertyChanged to update other UI components dynamically in response to gauge changes.

csharp\nmyGauge.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { UpdateDisplay(); };

Enable Interactivity Judiciously

Activate InteractiveMode only when direct user input is expected to avoid unintended value changes during passive displays.

csharp\n// Enable interactivity only in configuration screens\nmyGauge.InteractiveMode = isConfigurationMode;

Coordinate Additional Effects

When using multiple visual enhancements (e.g., dynamic lighting and glow), adjust their intensities to maintain visual harmony.

csharp\nmyGauge.EnableDynamicLighting = true;\nmyGauge.AmbientLightIntensity = 0.5f;\nmyGauge.EnableGlowEffect = true;

Common Pitfalls

Resolution / Code Example

Overloading with Effects

Enabling too many additional effects simultaneously (dynamic lighting, glow, interactivity) may lead to performance degradation.

Gradually enable and test effects; for example, first enable dynamic lighting, then add glow if performance permits.

Mismanaged Event Handlers

Failing to unsubscribe from events like ValueChanged or PropertyChanged when disposing of the gauge can lead to memory leaks.

Always unsubscribe from events when the control is disposed or no longer needed:csharp\nmyGauge.ValueChanged -= MyValueChangedHandler;

Unintended Interactivity

Enabling interactive mode in scenarios where users should only view data may lead to accidental modifications.

Limit interactivity to contexts where user input is expected, or disable interactive mode after use.

Usage Scenarios

Sample Code

Data Binding in Dashboards

Use event notifications to synchronize the gauge with other dashboard components, ensuring consistent data representation.

csharp\nmyGauge.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { dashboardLabel.Text = myGauge.Value.ToString("F1"); };

Configuration Panels

Enable interactive mode so that users can adjust parameters directly on the gauge during setup or calibration.

csharp\n// In a configuration panel\nmyGauge.InteractiveMode = true;

Real-Time Monitoring

Combine dynamic lighting and glow effects to enhance visual cues, while events trigger alerts when critical thresholds are reached.

csharp\nmyGauge.EnableDynamicLighting = true;\nmyGauge.EnableGlowEffect = true;\nmyGauge.ValueHasChanged += (s, e) => { if(e.NewValue > threshold) AlertUser(); };

Real Life Usage Scenarios

Sample Integration Code

Financial Data Dashboard

In a financial dashboard, use event notifications to update related charts and widgets when the gauge value changes, and enable interactivity in configuration mode.

csharp\n// Financial dashboard integration\nmyGauge.InteractiveMode = isConfigMode;\nmyGauge.ValueChanged += (s, e) => { UpdateOtherWidgets(myGauge.Value); };

Industrial Control System

In an industrial setting, enable interactive adjustments for calibration, and use dynamic lighting to make the gauge more readable under varying conditions.

csharp\n// Industrial control integration\nmyGauge.InteractiveMode = true;\nmyGauge.EnableDynamicLighting = true;\nmyGauge.ValueHasChanged += (s, e) => { LogCalibrationChange(e.PreviousValue, e.NewValue); };

Educational Tools

For interactive learning applications, allow users to manipulate the gauge and provide real-time event feedback to illustrate cause-and-effect relationships.

csharp\n// Educational gauge configuration\nmyGauge.InteractiveMode = true;\nmyGauge.ShowTooltip = true;\nmyGauge.TooltipFormat = "{0:F2}";\nmyGauge.AnimationCompleted += (s, e) => { DisplayCompletionMessage(); };

Troubleshooting Tips


Unresponsive Event Handling

If events seem not to fire, ensure that interactive and dynamic features are enabled and that event subscriptions are set up correctly.

Double-check that properties like InteractiveMode are true and that event handlers are attached properly: csharp\nmyGauge.ValueChanged += HandlerMethod;

Performance Issues

Extensive interactivity and dynamic effects might slow down the control; profile your application if lag is observed.

Consider reducing the intensity of dynamic effects or temporarily disabling non-critical features (e.g., EnableGlowEffect) during performance-critical operations.

Inconsistent Data Updates

If the gauge does not update other UI components reliably, verify that event handlers (such as for ValueChanged) are correctly implemented.

Use debugging or logging within event handlers to ensure they trigger as expected and pass the correct values.



Enhanced Interactivity

The additional features significantly boost the gauge’s functionality by allowing user input and enabling dynamic visual responses.

Use events to integrate seamlessly with other UI elements; document any custom event handling thoroughly.

Event Notification Clarity

Events such as ValueChanged and AnimationCompleted help keep the application in sync with the gauge’s state.

Consider grouping related events in helper classes or using custom event args to provide more detailed information if needed.

Integration and Customization

The additional features are straightforward to integrate but require careful management to avoid performance pitfalls, especially in data-intensive scenarios.

Follow best practices for event subscriptions and ensure that interactive features are enabled only when required.


Summary Point

Feature Overview

Provides additional customization through properties like dynamic lighting, interactive mode, and glow effects, along with event notifications for gauge state changes.

Core Properties

Key properties include EnableDynamicLighting, InteractiveMode, and EnableGlowEffect.

Event Notifications

Events such as ValueChanged, ValueHasChanged, AnimationCompleted, and PropertyChanged inform the host application of gauge updates.

Integration and Customization

Leverage these features to enhance interactivity and data binding, while carefully managing performance and event subscriptions.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

Use events to drive UI updates, enable interactive features selectively, and monitor performance when dynamic effects are active.

Integration Demo

Below is a complete sample code snippet to demonstrate how to integrate and customize the Additional Features & Events into a WinForms application:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;  // Use the namespace from your provided code

public class AdditionalFeaturesDemoForm : Form
    private SiticoneGaugeNumeric myGauge;
    private Button toggleInteractivityButton;
    public AdditionalFeaturesDemoForm()
        // Initialize the gauge with additional features and events enabled
        myGauge = new SiticoneGaugeNumeric
            MinValue = 0f,
            MaxValue = 100f,
            Value = 50f,
            AnimationSpeed = 5f,
            ShowAnimation = true,
            Size = new Size(300, 300),
            Location = new Point(50, 30),
            // Enable additional customization features
            EnableDynamicLighting = true,
            InteractiveMode = true,
            EnableGlowEffect = true
        // Subscribe to events
        myGauge.ValueChanged += (s, e) =>
            Console.WriteLine("Gauge value changed to: " + myGauge.Value);
        myGauge.AnimationCompleted += (s, e) =>
            Console.WriteLine("Gauge animation completed.");
        myGauge.PropertyChanged += (s, e) =>
            Console.WriteLine("Property changed: " + e.PropertyName);
        // Button to toggle interactivity for demonstration purposes
        toggleInteractivityButton = new Button
            Text = "Toggle Interactivity",
            Location = new Point(50, 350),
            Width = 150
        toggleInteractivityButton.Click += (s, e) =>
            myGauge.InteractiveMode = !myGauge.InteractiveMode;
            MessageBox.Show("Interactive mode is now " + (myGauge.InteractiveMode ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ".");
        // Add controls to the form
    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new AdditionalFeaturesDemoForm());

API Reference




Enables or disables dynamic lighting effects on the gauge.



Enables or disables mouse interaction for modifying the gauge value.



Enables or disables the glow (or neon) effect on the gauge.



Occurs when the gauge value changes.



Occurs when the gauge value has changed, providing previous and new values via event args.



Occurs when a gauge value animation completes.



Standard event that notifies subscribers when a property value changes.

This documentation provides a thorough guide for integrating and using the Additional Features & Events group in your WinForms applications. Use the provided examples, tables, and best practices to enable dynamic visual effects, interactive updates, and event notifications that enhance overall application responsiveness and user engagement.

Last updated