Selection and Interactive States

Selection and Interactive States enable the control to reflect user interactions—such as hovering, clicking, and selection—with dynamic visual feedback, making it intuitive and responsive.


The Selection and Interactive States feature allows the control to transition between various visual states, such as normal, hovered, pressed, and selected. With properties like IsSelected, SelectedColor, NormalColor, HoverColor, PressColor, TextColor, and SelectedTextColor, developers can fine-tune the appearance of the control based on user interaction. In addition, built-in events such as DoubleTapped and LongPressed provide hooks for more advanced interactivity. The feature also manages state transitions and animations (e.g., selection and deselection animations) to ensure smooth visual feedback.

Properties and Configuration

The table below summarizes the key properties related to Selection and Interactive States:

Property Name
Default Value / Range
Sample Usage Example


Gets or sets whether the button is in a selected state; selecting one button in a group automatically deselects others.

Boolean (default is false)

myButton.IsSelected = true;


The background color when the button is selected.


myButton.SelectedColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#298ff5");


The default background color of the button in its normal (unselected) state.

Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100)

myButton.NormalColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100);


The background color when the mouse hovers over the button.

Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80)

myButton.HoverColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80);


The background color when the button is pressed.

Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50)

myButton.PressColor = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50);


The color of the button text in its normal state.


myButton.TextColor = Color.LightGray;


The color of the button text when the button is selected.


myButton.SelectedTextColor = Color.White;

Key Points

Key Point

Dynamic State Transitions

The control visually transitions between states (normal, hover, press, and selected) based on user interaction.

Group Selection Management

When one control is selected, the implementation ensures other grouped buttons are automatically deselected, preserving a coherent state.

Animated Feedback

Built-in animations provide smooth transitions, such as fading between colors, to enhance user experience during selection or hover events.

Customizable Appearance

Developers have full control over the color properties for various interactive states, ensuring the control fits seamlessly into different UI themes.

Best Practices

Best Practice
Example Code Snippet

Define Clear Visual States

Use distinct colors for normal, hover, press, and selected states to provide clear visual feedback and prevent user confusion.

csharp<br>myButton.NormalColor = Color.Gray;<br>myButton.HoverColor = Color.DarkGray;<br>myButton.PressColor = Color.DimGray;<br>myButton.SelectedColor = Color.Blue;<br>

Use Grouping for Exclusive Selection

When using multiple buttons in a group, leverage the automatic deselection feature by setting the IsSelected property; this ensures only one is active at a time.

csharp<br>button1.IsSelected = true;<br>// button2 and button3 will automatically deselect if they were selected<br>

Balance Animation Speed

Adjust the animation speed to achieve a smooth but responsive transition; avoid too slow or too fast transitions that may hinder user experience.

csharp<br>myButton.AnimationSpeed = 0.09f;<br>

Common Pitfalls

How to Avoid

Inconsistent State Feedback

Inadequate differentiation between states (e.g., similar colors for hover and press) may confuse users.

Choose contrasting colors for each state and test the control in various interaction scenarios.

Overcomplicated Group Behavior

Improper management of grouped buttons can lead to multiple buttons appearing selected simultaneously.

Ensure that the selection logic properly deselects other buttons when one is activated.

Neglecting Animation Responsiveness

Extremely slow or fast animation speeds may reduce the perceived responsiveness of the control.

Test and adjust the AnimationSpeed value for optimal visual feedback and performance on your target hardware.

Usage Scenarios

Sample Integration Code

Form Submission Buttons

Use selection states to indicate which action is currently active, such as highlighting the selected button when confirming a submission.

csharp<br>// Initialize a submission button with interactive states<br>SiticoneGroupButton submitButton = new SiticoneGroupButton();<br>submitButton.Text = "Submit";<br>submitButton.NormalColor = Color.Gray;<br>submitButton.HoverColor = Color.DarkGray;<br>submitButton.PressColor = Color.DimGray;<br>submitButton.SelectedColor = Color.Blue;<br>submitButton.TextColor = Color.LightGray;<br>submitButton.SelectedTextColor = Color.White;<br>this.Controls.Add(submitButton);<br>

Toggle Buttons in a Group

In multi-option dialogs or toolbars, use the selection state to allow only one active button, providing clear feedback on the user's choice.

csharp<br>// Grouping buttons to ensure only one is selected at a time<br>SiticoneGroupButton option1 = new SiticoneGroupButton();<br>SiticoneGroupButton option2 = new SiticoneGroupButton();<br>option1.Text = "Option 1";<br>option2.Text = "Option 2";<br>option1.SelectedColor = Color.Green;<br>option2.SelectedColor = Color.Green;<br>option1.IsSelected = true; // Selecting option 1 will automatically deselect option 2 if selected<br>this.Controls.Add(option1);<br>this.Controls.Add(option2);<br>

Real Life Usage Scenarios

Real Life Scenario
Example Implementation

Interactive Dashboard Controls

In a dashboard, use selection states to allow users to switch between different views or metrics by highlighting the active selection.

csharp<br>dashboardButton1.IsSelected = true;<br>// Other dashboard buttons automatically update their states<br>

Multimedia Application Controls

Use interactive state transitions to indicate which media control (play, pause, stop) is active, enhancing user feedback in a media player.

csharp<br>playButton.SelectedColor = Color.Red;<br>pauseButton.SelectedColor = Color.Red;<br>// Clicking play deselects pause<br>

Troubleshooting Tips

Potential Cause

Button Remains Selected Unintentionally

A logic error in the button group may fail to deselect previously selected buttons.

Verify that the selection logic properly iterates through the group and sets IsSelected to false on others.

Delayed State Transitions

Overly slow animation speeds can make the control seem unresponsive during state transitions.

Adjust the AnimationSpeed property to balance smooth transitions with responsiveness.

Inconsistent Color Transitions

Incorrect property assignments may lead to abrupt or inconsistent color changes during interactions.

Ensure that each state property (NormalColor, HoverColor, etc.) is assigned proper values and tested thoroughly.

Integration Code Sample

The following example demonstrates how to integrate Selection and Interactive States into a simple WinForms application:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI; // Ensure the correct namespace is referenced

public class MainForm : Form
    public MainForm()
        // Initialize and configure a SiticoneGroupButton with interactive states
        SiticoneGroupButton interactiveButton = new SiticoneGroupButton
            Text = "Click Me",
            Size = new Size(220, 50),
            Location = new Point(20, 20),
            NormalColor = Color.Gray,
            HoverColor = Color.DarkGray,
            PressColor = Color.DimGray,
            SelectedColor = Color.Blue,
            TextColor = Color.LightGray,
            SelectedTextColor = Color.White,
            // Set the initial selected state if desired
            IsSelected = false,
            // Optionally adjust animation speed
            AnimationSpeed = 0.09f

        // Subscribe to interactive events if needed
        interactiveButton.DoubleTapped += (sender, e) =>
            MessageBox.Show("Button was double-tapped!");

        interactiveButton.LongPressed += (sender, e) =>
            MessageBox.Show("Button was long-pressed!");

        // Set the button to selected when clicked
        interactiveButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
            interactiveButton.IsSelected = true;

        // Add the button to the form

    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new MainForm());


Review Aspect

Visual Feedback

The control provides clear and dynamic visual feedback for each interaction state, improving user intuitiveness and engagement.

Ease of Configuration

Simple property assignments allow for quick customization of colors and states without extensive code modifications.

Group Management

Automatic deselection within groups ensures that only one control is active, streamlining user interactions in multi-choice interfaces.


Built-in animations offer a balance between smooth transitions and responsive user feedback when interacting with the control.


Summary Point

Dynamic Interaction States

Selection and Interactive States provide a robust mechanism for managing user interactions and visual feedback through state transitions.

Customizable Appearance

With properties controlling various color states and animations, the control can be tailored to match any UI theme.

Integrated Group Behavior

Supports automatic management of grouped selections, ensuring only one button is active at a time for clear, intuitive navigation.

Enhanced Usability

The combination of visual state changes and interactive events such as double-tap and long-press improves overall user engagement and accessibility.

Additional Useful Sections

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How do I programmatically select a button?

Set the IsSelected property to true on the desired button; grouped buttons will automatically deselect each other.

Can I change the state colors at runtime?

Yes, update properties like NormalColor, HoverColor, PressColor, and SelectedColor dynamically as needed.

What if multiple buttons remain selected?

Ensure that the grouping logic is correctly implemented, so that selecting one button sets the IsSelected property to false for others in the group.

Integration Checklist

Checklist Item

Configure State Colors

Verify that properties for normal, hover, press, and selected states are correctly set for each control.

Test Group Selection Behavior

Confirm that selecting one button in a group automatically deselects all other buttons.

Validate Animation Speeds

Adjust and test the AnimationSpeed property to ensure smooth yet responsive state transitions.

Check Event Handling

Ensure that interactive events (e.g., DoubleTapped, LongPressed) are wired correctly and perform as expected.

By following this comprehensive documentation for Selection and Interactive States, developers can effectively integrate dynamic state management and user interactivity into their .NET WinForms applications, resulting in a more responsive and intuitive user interface.

Last updated