Input and Validation

This feature allows you to implement custom validation for user input, ensuring that the entered card number or text meets your criteria, while providing immediate visual and event‑based feedback, etc


The Input & Validation feature of the SiticoneCardNumberBox control exposes properties and events that let you enforce custom validation rules. Developers can specify a validation function that processes the current text, provide an error message to display when validation fails, and subscribe to validation events. The control also maintains read‑only properties indicating the current validation status and error details. This feature ensures that only valid input is processed further.

Property and Event Details

The table below summarizes the key properties and events related to input validation:

Property / Event
Default Value / Notes


A custom function that returns a Boolean indicating whether the input is valid.

Null by default; user-supplied function


The error message to display when the input does not pass validation.

"Invalid input." (or user-defined)

Validated (event)

Event that is raised after the input has been validated.

Use to update the UI or handle errors accordingly


Read-only property indicating whether the current input is valid.

True when no validation issues; otherwise false


Read-only property providing the current validation error message, if any.

Empty string if input is valid

Code Examples

Example 1: Setting Up a Custom Validation Function

This example demonstrates how to implement a custom validation function that checks if the input contains only numeric characters and has a minimum length.

// Create an instance of the SiticoneCardNumberBox control
SiticoneCardNumberBox cardNumberBox = new SiticoneCardNumberBox();

// Define a custom validation function that ensures the input is numeric and at least 12 digits long
cardNumberBox.ValidationFunction = (input) =>
    string digitsOnly = new string(input.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
    return digitsOnly.Length >= 12;

// Set a custom error message for failed validations
cardNumberBox.ValidationErrorMessage = "Please enter at least 12 numeric digits.";

// Subscribe to the Validated event to handle validation feedback
cardNumberBox.Validated += (sender, e) =>
    if (!e.IsValid)
        Console.WriteLine("Validation failed: " + e.ErrorMessage);
        // Update UI components, e.g., display an error label
        Console.WriteLine("Input is valid.");

// Add the control to your form
cardNumberBox.Location = new Point(20, 20);
cardNumberBox.Size = new Size(300, 50);

Example 2: Handling Validation Status in Your Application

This example shows how to read the validation status and error message properties after the user updates the input.

// Assume cardNumberBox is an instance of SiticoneCardNumberBox on the form

// In an event handler (e.g., a button click) check validation status:
private void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (cardNumberBox.IsValid)
        // Proceed with submission
        Console.WriteLine("Submitting valid card number: " + cardNumberBox.FormattedCardNumber);
        // Alert the user to the validation issue
        MessageBox.Show("Error: " + cardNumberBox.ErrorMessage, "Validation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

Key Points

The table below highlights the key aspects of the Input & Validation feature:


Custom Validation Logic

Use the ValidationFunction to implement tailored rules for acceptable input.

Immediate Feedback

The Validated event and IsValid property offer immediate insight into whether input is correct.

Error Messaging

A user-friendly error message is provided via ValidationErrorMessage when validation fails.

Best Practices

The table below outlines best practices for implementing input validation:

Best Practice

Define clear validation criteria

Ensure your validation function is specific and well-tested to avoid ambiguous input rejections.

Provide a user-friendly error message

Use ValidationErrorMessage to offer actionable feedback that informs users how to correct their input.

Always subscribe to the Validated event

Use the event to update UI elements in real time and provide visual cues to guide the user.

Test with different inputs

Validate a wide range of inputs (e.g., valid, invalid, edge cases) to ensure robustness of your function.

Common Pitfalls

The table below lists common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

How to Avoid It

Overly strict validation logic

Ensure the validation function accounts for real-world input variations and does not reject valid cases.

Not providing an error message

Always assign a meaningful message to ValidationErrorMessage to aid user correction.

Failing to subscribe to the Validated event

Ensure event subscriptions are in place so that UI updates reflect the current validation state promptly.

Ignoring the IsValid property in subsequent processing

Always check IsValid before proceeding with processing to avoid using invalid input.

Usage Scenarios

The table below describes several scenarios where input validation is essential:


Payment form input verification

Ensures that the credit card number or other sensitive data meets the required format before submission.

User registration forms

Validate email addresses, phone numbers, or other text input using a custom validation function.

Data entry applications

Confirm that each field meets its validation criteria to prevent errors and maintain data integrity.

Real Life Usage Scenarios


E-commerce checkout process

Validate credit card numbers to ensure the proper format before processing payments.

Mobile banking applications

Confirm that entered account numbers or identification codes are valid using custom validation logic.

Subscription services

Enforce strict validation on recurring payment data to minimize the risk of billing errors.

Troubleshooting Tips

The table below provides troubleshooting advice for common validation issues:

Potential Cause
Recommended Action

Validation always fails

The validation function might be too strict or not handle edge cases.

Debug the ValidationFunction and test with a variety of inputs.

No error message is shown

ValidationErrorMessage may not be set properly.

Set a clear and descriptive error message in ValidationErrorMessage.

Validated event is not triggered

Event subscription might be missing or removed inadvertently.

Verify that the Validated event is properly subscribed in your code.


The table below provides a summary review of the Input & Validation feature:

Review Notes


The use of a custom validation function provides flexibility for various input scenarios.

User Feedback

Real-time validation feedback and error messages enhance the user experience.


Easy-to-use properties and events allow seamless integration into existing form validation workflows.


The Input & Validation feature of the SiticoneCardNumberBox control empowers developers to enforce custom input rules and provide immediate feedback. With properties such as ValidationFunction, ValidationErrorMessage, and read-only indicators like IsValid and ErrorMessage, this feature ensures that only valid input is processed further. The associated events allow real-time UI updates, making it a robust solution for data entry forms and payment interfaces.

Additional Integration Example

Below is a complete integration example that combines input validation with visual feedback in a WinForms application:

public partial class InputValidationForm : Form
    public InputValidationForm()

    private void InitializeCardInputWithValidation()
        // Create and configure the card number box
        SiticoneCardNumberBox cardNumberBox = new SiticoneCardNumberBox
            Location = new Point(20, 20),
            Size = new Size(350, 60),
            ValidationFunction = (input) =>
                // Ensure input is numeric and at least 12 digits long
                string digitsOnly = new string(input.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
                return digitsOnly.Length >= 12;
            ValidationErrorMessage = "Enter at least 12 numeric digits."

        // Subscribe to the Validated event to update the UI
        cardNumberBox.Validated += (sender, e) =>
            if (!e.IsValid)
                // For example, update a label with the error message
                errorLabel.Text = e.ErrorMessage;
                errorLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                errorLabel.Text = string.Empty;

        // Add the control and an error label to the form
        Label errorLabel = new Label
            Location = new Point(20, 90),
            Size = new Size(350, 20)

By following this documentation, developers can effectively implement and integrate input validation into their applications using the SiticoneCardNumberBox control. The combination of custom validation functions, error messaging, and event notifications makes it easy to ensure that user input meets the required standards before processing.

Last updated