State Analysis

State Analysis provides developers with real-time insights into the input control’s current status, enabling precise monitoring and management of data entry progress.


State Analysis encompasses properties and methods that allow developers to evaluate the current input state of the control. This includes determining if the input is empty, partially filled, or complete, as well as retrieving counts and indices of filled and empty digit boxes. These capabilities facilitate dynamic UI updates and validation workflows based on the control’s input state.

Key Points

Key Point


Indicates whether all digit boxes are empty, useful for detecting initial or reset states.


Determines if some digit boxes have been filled while others remain empty, helping to monitor in-progress input.


Shows whether every digit box contains a value, signaling that the input is fully complete and ready for processing.


Provides the total number of digit boxes that have been populated, allowing for granular progress tracking.


Displays the number of remaining empty digit boxes, useful for guiding the user to complete the input.


Returns a list of indices corresponding to empty digit boxes, offering targeted insight for UI highlighting or error messaging.


Returns a list of indices for the digit boxes that contain data, enabling developers to monitor input distribution and perform selective processing if needed.

Best Practices

Best Practice

Verify Completion Before Processing

Always check the IsComplete property before proceeding with operations that require a full code, such as authentication or submission, to avoid processing incomplete data.

Use Counts and Indices for Dynamic UI Updates

Leverage FilledCount, EmptyCount, EmptyIndices, and FilledIndices to provide visual cues or progress indicators, guiding the user toward completing the input accurately.

Integrate with Event Handlers

Subscribe to events like ValueChanged and InputCompleted to automatically trigger state analysis and update other UI elements or business logic in real time as the input changes.

Combine with Data Extraction Features

Use state analysis in conjunction with data extraction to validate input dynamically and prevent premature conversion or processing of the entered code.

Common Pitfalls


Processing Incomplete Input

Attempting to process or convert the code when some digit boxes are still empty can lead to errors or unexpected behavior.

Always verify the IsComplete property and consider using IsPartiallyFilled for intermediate validations.

Ignoring Count Discrepancies

Failing to monitor FilledCount and EmptyCount may result in misinterpretation of the input state, especially in scenarios where partial input is significant.

Regularly check both FilledCount and EmptyCount, and use EmptyIndices or FilledIndices to pinpoint exactly which positions are incomplete.

Overlooking Event Integration

Relying solely on manual state checks without integrating event handlers can lead to outdated UI states or delayed responses to user input.

Subscribe to ValueChanged and InputCompleted events to ensure state analysis is performed immediately after any change.

Usage Scenarios

Implementation Example

Validating Complete Input Before Submission

Ensure that all digit boxes are filled (using IsComplete) before allowing the user to submit the entered code, thus preventing incomplete data from being processed.

Check IsComplete property in the submission logic, and disable the submit button if the input is incomplete.

Guiding User Input Progress

Use EmptyCount and EmptyIndices to highlight the next digit box or provide instructional cues, helping users complete their code entry in a step-by-step manner.

Update UI elements (e.g., progress bars or highlights) based on the current EmptyCount and EmptyIndices values during user input.

Dynamic UI Feedback for Partial Entries

Display a real-time summary of how many digits have been entered (FilledCount) versus how many remain (EmptyCount), and adjust the UI dynamically to reflect input progress.

Bind a label or progress indicator to the FilledCount and EmptyCount properties, updating it as the ValueChanged event is triggered.

Code Examples

Example 1: Checking for Complete Input Before Processing

// Create an instance of the control
SiticoneOtp otpControl = new SiticoneOtp();

// Set a sample value (for demonstration purposes)

// Check if the control is complete
if (otpControl.IsComplete)
    // Process the complete code
    string completeCode = otpControl.GetCodeAsString;
    Console.WriteLine($"Complete code entered: {completeCode}");
    Console.WriteLine("The code is incomplete. Please fill in all the digit boxes.");

Example 2: Displaying Progress Using FilledCount and EmptyCount

// Create an instance of the control
SiticoneOtp otpControl = new SiticoneOtp();

// Optionally, subscribe to the ValueChanged event for dynamic UI updates
otpControl.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
    // Update UI elements based on input progress
    int filled = otpControl.FilledCount;
    int empty = otpControl.EmptyCount;
    Console.WriteLine($"Digits entered: {filled}, Digits remaining: {empty}");

// Simulate user input by setting a partial value
otpControl.SetValue("45"); // Assuming the control expects 6 digits

// The ValueChanged event will trigger and output: "Digits entered: 2, Digits remaining: 4"

Example 3: Utilizing Indices to Highlight Missing Input

// Create an instance of the control
SiticoneOtp otpControl = new SiticoneOtp();

// Subscribe to the ValueChanged event to monitor empty indices
otpControl.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
    var emptyIndices = otpControl.EmptyIndices;
    Console.WriteLine("Empty digit box indices: " + string.Join(", ", emptyIndices));
    // For example, highlight the first empty digit box in the UI (this is a placeholder for actual UI logic)
    if (emptyIndices.Any())
        int nextIndex = emptyIndices.First();
        // Highlight logic here (e.g., change border color of the next digit box)
        Console.WriteLine($"Highlighting digit box at index {nextIndex} for input.");

// Simulate partial input
otpControl.SetValue("789"); // Assuming the control expects 6 digits



Real-Time Monitoring

The state analysis properties provide immediate insights into the input status, which can be leveraged to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

Ease of Integration

With intuitive properties such as IsEmpty, IsPartiallyFilled, IsComplete, FilledCount, and EmptyCount, integrating state analysis into your application logic is straightforward.

Flexibility and Precision

The ability to retrieve exact indices for empty and filled digit boxes offers fine-grained control for advanced UI interactions and targeted validations.


State Analysis in the SiticoneOtp control offers comprehensive tools for monitoring the current input state. By exposing properties that indicate completeness, progress, and specific digit box statuses, it enables developers to create dynamic interfaces and robust validation logic that respond instantly to user input.

Additional Recommendations


Regularly Monitor State During Input

Continuously check properties such as FilledCount, EmptyCount, and IsComplete during user interaction to update the UI and provide immediate feedback.

Use Event Handlers to Automate Updates

Leverage the ValueChanged and InputCompleted events to trigger state analysis and synchronize other UI elements or business logic without manual polling.

Integrate with Data Extraction and Validation

Combine state analysis with data extraction and input validation features to ensure that processing only occurs when all necessary data is present and correct.

Provide User Guidance Based on State

Use the detailed state analysis information to guide users through the input process, highlighting missing digits and confirming when the input is complete.

By following these guidelines and leveraging the code examples provided, developers can efficiently integrate state analysis into their applications, ensuring that input progress is accurately monitored and that users receive immediate, helpful feedback throughout the data entry process.

Last updated