Feedback and Animation

A feature that offers multiple forms of user feedback—such as beeps, shake effects, ripple animations, and value change animations—to enhance the control’s interactivity and user experience.


This section covers properties and behaviors related to user feedback and animation. The control supports audible feedback (beep), visual shake effects when an operation is invalid (for example, when in a read-only state), a ripple animation upon clicking, and smooth transitions for value changes. Additionally, it includes settings to control auto-repeat delays and speed when a user holds down the increment or decrement buttons.

Property and Behavior Overview Table

Data Type/Mechanism
Default Value / Behavior


Determines if a beep sound is played when a user attempts to change the value in read-only mode.




Determines if the control performs a shake animation when an invalid operation is attempted.




Controls whether changes to the numeric value are animated rather than changing instantly.




Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) before auto-repeat increments/decrements begin after holding a button down.


500 ms


Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) between auto-repeat updates after the initial delay.


50 ms

Ripple Effect

A visual ripple animation triggered on mouse clicks (outside the increment/decrement buttons) to provide immediate feedback.

Timer-based animation

Active on click

Shake Animation

A visual shake effect that gives immediate feedback (accompanied by an optional beep) when an invalid operation occurs.

Timer-based animation

Active on invalid operation

Value Change Animation

Smoothly transitions the displayed value from the previous to the new value, improving visual clarity of changes.

Timer-based interpolation

Enabled if AnimateValueChanges

Code Examples and Integration

The following code examples illustrate how to integrate and configure the Feedback & Animation feature in your .NET WinForms application.

Example 1: Enabling and Customizing Feedback

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI.Helpers.Enum;

// Create an instance of the control.
var numericUpDown = new SiticoneUpDown
    Minimum = 0M,
    Maximum = 100M,
    Value = 50M,
    Increment = 5M,
    DecimalPlaces = 0,
    InputType = InputType.WholeNumbers,
    EnableDirectInput = true,

    // Feedback & Animation settings
    AnimateValueChanges = true, // Enable animated transitions for value changes.
    CanBeep = true,             // Allow beep sound on invalid operations (e.g., read-only operations).
    CanShake = true,            // Enable shake animation for invalid operations.
    InitialRepeatDelay = 500,   // Delay before auto-repeat starts.
    RepeatSpeed = 50            // Speed of auto-repeat updates.

// Optionally, subscribe to events to handle changes.
numericUpDown.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
    Console.WriteLine("New Value: " + numericUpDown.Value);

// Add the control to your form.

Example 2: Demonstrating the Ripple and Shake Effects

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI.Helpers.Enum;

public class FeedbackDemoForm : Form
    public FeedbackDemoForm()
        this.Text = "Feedback & Animation Demo";
        this.Width = 400;
        this.Height = 300;

        // Create a numeric up/down control with feedback enabled.
        var numericUpDown = new SiticoneUpDown
            Minimum = 0M,
            Maximum = 100M,
            Value = 20M,
            Increment = 2M,
            DecimalPlaces = 0,
            InputType = InputType.WholeNumbers,
            EnableDirectInput = true,
            AnimateValueChanges = true,
            CanBeep = true,
            CanShake = true,
            InitialRepeatDelay = 500,
            RepeatSpeed = 50,
            Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 100)

        // This demo form adds the control to illustrate animations like ripple on click.

    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new FeedbackDemoForm());

Example 3: Programmatically Triggering a Feedback Scenario

The control automatically triggers a shake and beep when an attempt is made to modify the value while in read-only mode. The following snippet demonstrates how to set the control to read-only and handle an invalid update:

// Create the control and set it to read-only.
var numericUpDown = new SiticoneUpDown
    Minimum = 0M,
    Maximum = 100M,
    Value = 50M,
    Increment = 5M,
    DecimalPlaces = 0,
    InputType = InputType.WholeNumbers,
    EnableDirectInput = true,
    CanBeep = true,
    CanShake = true

// Set the control to read-only.
numericUpDown.IsReadOnly = true;

// Attempt to modify the value (for instance, via a button click) to trigger the feedback.
var modifyButton = new Button { Text = "Try Modify", Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 150) };
modifyButton.Click += (s, e) =>
    // Since the control is read-only, the control will perform beep and shake feedback.
        numericUpDown.Value += 10M;
    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
        // Exception handling if needed (the control internally provides feedback).
        MessageBox.Show("Operation not allowed: Control is read-only.");


Key Points

Key Point

Immediate Feedback

The control uses both audio (beep) and visual cues (shake and ripple) to inform users of invalid actions or updates.

Smooth Value Transitions

The AnimateValueChanges property enables a smooth visual transition when the numeric value is updated.

Configurable Auto-Repeat

InitialRepeatDelay and RepeatSpeed allow fine-tuning of how quickly the control reacts when increment/decrement buttons are held.

Integrated Timer-Based Animations

The ripple, shake, and value change animations are managed using internal timers for precise control and timing.

Best Practices


Enable Feedback for Read-Only States

Use CanBeep and CanShake to notify users when they attempt to modify a read-only control, improving usability and clarity.

Test Animation Timings

Adjust InitialRepeatDelay and RepeatSpeed values based on the application’s responsiveness and expected user interaction speed.

Use AnimateValueChanges for Subtle Transitions

Animate value changes to provide a smoother and more visually appealing user experience, especially when values change frequently.

Balance Audio and Visual Feedback

Ensure that the beep (audible) and shake (visual) effects complement each other and do not overwhelm the user.

Common Pitfalls

How to Avoid It

Overusing Feedback Effects

Excessive beeps or shaking can become distracting; test feedback levels and consider user experience during design.

Misconfigured Timer Intervals

Setting extremely low values for InitialRepeatDelay or RepeatSpeed may result in uncontrollable rapid updates; choose sensible defaults.

Neglecting to Account for Animation States

Ensure that animations (ripple, shake, value change) do not interfere with other UI interactions; manage state transitions carefully.

Overlapping Animations

Be cautious when multiple animations are triggered simultaneously (e.g., a ripple effect with a value change animation) to avoid visual clutter.

Usage Scenarios

Example Use Case

Read-Only Feedback

Provides immediate feedback when a user attempts to change the value while the control is read-only.

Form fields in configuration panels where editing is disabled.

Increment/Decrement Auto-Repeat

Enhances user experience by providing smooth and accelerated value adjustments when buttons are held down.

Adjusting numeric values in settings or inventory management systems.

Enhanced Visual Feedback

Ripple and shake animations create a modern, interactive feel when the user interacts with the control.

Consumer applications or dashboards requiring a sleek, interactive interface.


The Feedback & Animation feature significantly enhances the usability and visual appeal of the numeric up/down control. By providing immediate and intuitive audio and visual feedback, users are less likely to be confused by their interactions with the control. The smooth transitions during value changes contribute to a modern and responsive interface, while configurable auto-repeat options ensure the control meets diverse application requirements.


The Feedback & Animation feature of the advanced numeric up/down control is designed to improve user interactivity and overall experience. With options to enable beeps, shake animations, ripple effects, and smooth value transitions, this feature ensures that users receive clear feedback during interactions. By following best practices and being mindful of common pitfalls, developers can integrate robust feedback mechanisms that enhance both usability and visual appeal.

Additional Sections

Integration Tips


Configure Feedback Early

Set properties like CanBeep, CanShake, and AnimateValueChanges during initialization to ensure feedback is active from the start.

Test Across Interaction Modes

Verify that animations and feedback trigger appropriately in both direct input and button-based interactions.

Adjust Timer Intervals for Responsiveness

Experiment with InitialRepeatDelay and RepeatSpeed values to achieve a balance between responsiveness and user control.

Demo Application Example

Below is a complete sample demo application snippet that integrates the Feedback & Animation feature:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI.Helpers.Enum;

namespace FeedbackAnimationDemo
    public class MainForm : Form
        public MainForm()
            // Set up the form.
            this.Text = "Feedback & Animation Demo";
            this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
            this.Width = 450;
            this.Height = 300;

            // Create the numeric up/down control.
            var numericUpDown = new SiticoneUpDown
                Minimum = 0M,
                Maximum = 100M,
                Value = 30M,
                Increment = 5M,
                DecimalPlaces = 0,
                InputType = InputType.WholeNumbers,
                EnableDirectInput = true,

                // Feedback & Animation settings.
                AnimateValueChanges = true,
                CanBeep = true,
                CanShake = true,
                InitialRepeatDelay = 500,
                RepeatSpeed = 50,
                Location = new Point(50, 80)

            // Add a button to simulate an invalid operation (e.g., trying to change a read-only control).
            var invalidOperationButton = new Button
                Text = "Try Modify (Read-Only)",
                Location = new Point(50, 150),
                Width = 150
            invalidOperationButton.Click += (s, e) =>
                // Set the control to read-only and attempt to modify the value.
                numericUpDown.IsReadOnly = true;
                    numericUpDown.Value += 10M;
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    // The control triggers beep and shake automatically.
                    MessageBox.Show("Modification not allowed in read-only mode.", "Feedback Triggered", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Add the controls to the form.

        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new MainForm());

This demo illustrates how to integrate and test the feedback mechanisms (beep, shake, ripple, and animated value changes) within a simple WinForms application.

Last updated