Input, Validation and Read-Only Behavior

Provides control over text editing, validation routines, and modes that prevent modifications.


This section documents the properties and behaviors related to user input handling, input validation, and managing read-only or disabled states. Developers can customize how input is processed, validated, and how the control visually and functionally responds to user interactions in read-only or disabled conditions.

Key Points


Input Handling

Manages keyboard and mouse events to update text content, selection, and cursor behavior.

Input Validation

Provides mechanisms to validate text input via custom validation functions, with associated error messages and event triggers.

Read-Only & Disabled

Offers properties and feedback mechanisms (such as shaking or beeping) to indicate that editing is not permitted.

Undo/Redo Functionality

Maintains undo and redo stacks to allow users to revert or reapply text changes.

Best Practices

Practice Area

Input Validation

Use the ValidationFunction to enforce input rules and provide clear error messages via ValidationErrorMessage.

Read-Only Feedback

Enable visual and auditory feedback (via CanShake and CanBeep) to inform users when the control is in a read-only state.

Undo/Redo Integration

Implement custom logic for undo and redo operations to enhance user experience without compromising data integrity.

Consistent Behavior

Ensure that input handling and validation behave consistently across different control states (enabled, disabled, read-only).

Common Pitfalls


Inconsistent Validation

Failing to set or update the ValidationFunction consistently may lead to unexpected input acceptance or rejection.

Read-Only Feedback Overuse

Excessive shaking or beeping may confuse users; ensure that these feedback mechanisms are used judiciously.

Loss of Undo/Redo History

Improper management of the undo/redo stacks can result in unexpected text loss; always update the state before making significant changes.

Conflicting Input Handling

Overriding default key events without preserving standard behavior (e.g., navigation keys) may lead to a degraded user experience.

Real Life Usage Scenarios


Data Entry Forms

Use input validation to ensure that the entered text meets business rules and formatting requirements before submission.

Read-Only Data Display

Set the control to read-only mode for data display, while providing visual cues (disabled colors, no editing) to differentiate it from editable fields.

Interactive Command Inputs

Implement undo/redo functionality in command-line interfaces or text editors to allow users to easily correct mistakes.

Secure Input Areas

Use read-only behavior along with input validation to secure sensitive fields where modifications should be prevented.

Troubleshooting Tips

Suggested Solution

Validation Not Triggering

Ensure that the ValidationFunction is assigned and that the text is being processed by the validation logic upon change.

Read-Only Feedback Not Working

Verify that IsReadOnly is correctly set, and check that feedback mechanisms (CanShake, CanBeep) are enabled as desired.

Undo/Redo Operations Failing

Confirm that state changes are properly captured before modifications and that the undo/redo stacks are not cleared unintentionally.

Unexpected Input Behavior

Review the key event handling (e.g., OnKeyDown, OnKeyPress) to ensure that essential keys (such as navigation and editing keys) are not suppressed inadvertently.

Property Reference

Below is a reference table of key properties related to input, validation, and read-only behavior:

Property Name



Determines whether the control is read-only, preventing text modifications.



Sets the enabled/disabled state of the control, affecting interactivity and visual feedback.



Border color when the control is disabled.



Background color when the control is disabled.



Text color when the control is disabled.


Func<string, bool>

A delegate that defines a function to validate the text input; returns true if valid.



The message displayed when the validation function returns false.



Event triggered after validation is performed.



Enables a shake animation as feedback when editing is attempted on a read-only control.



Enables an auditory beep as feedback when editing is attempted on a read-only control.

Undo/Redo Stacks


Internal stacks used to manage undo and redo operations for text changes.

Code Examples

Below are several code examples that demonstrate how to use the Input, Validation & Read-Only Behavior properties.

Example 1: Basic Input Validation

This example demonstrates setting up a validation function that only accepts numeric input and displays a custom error message if validation fails.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class ValidationForm : Form
    public ValidationForm()
        var customTextBox = new SiticoneTextBox
            Location = new Point(20, 20),
            Size = new Size(250, 40),
            Text = ""

        // Define a validation function that accepts only numeric input
        customTextBox.ValidationFunction = text =>
            foreach (char c in text)
                if (!char.IsDigit(c))
                    return false;
            return true;

        customTextBox.ValidationErrorMessage = "Only numeric input is allowed.";

        // Optional: subscribe to the Validated event
        customTextBox.Validated += (sender, e) =>
            if (!customTextBox.IsValid)
                MessageBox.Show(customTextBox.ValidationErrorMessage, "Validation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

        Text = "Input Validation Example";
        Size = new Size(300, 120);

    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new ValidationForm());

Example 2: Read-Only Behavior with Feedback

This example shows how to configure the control in read-only mode and enable visual and auditory feedback when an edit is attempted.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class ReadOnlyExampleForm : Form
    public ReadOnlyExampleForm()
        var customTextBox = new SiticoneTextBox
            Text = "This field is read-only.",
            IsReadOnly = true,
            Location = new Point(20, 20),
            Size = new Size(300, 40),
            // Read-only specific appearance
            ReadOnlyBorderColor1 = Color.LightGray,
            ReadOnlyBorderColor2 = Color.LightGray,
            ReadOnlyFillColor1 = Color.WhiteSmoke,
            ReadOnlyFillColor2 = Color.WhiteSmoke,
            ReadOnlyPlaceholderColor = Color.DarkGray,
            // Enable feedback for read-only attempts
            CanShake = true,
            CanBeep = true

        Text = "Read-Only Behavior Example";
        Size = new Size(360, 120);

    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new ReadOnlyExampleForm());

Example 3: Undo and Redo Operations

This example demonstrates the use of the control’s undo and redo functionality in response to user actions.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class UndoRedoExampleForm : Form
    private SiticoneTextBox customTextBox;
    private Button undoButton;
    private Button redoButton;

    public UndoRedoExampleForm()
        customTextBox = new SiticoneTextBox
            Text = "Initial text",
            Location = new Point(20, 20),
            Size = new Size(300, 40)

        undoButton = new Button
            Text = "Undo",
            Location = new Point(20, 80),
            Size = new Size(140, 30)
        undoButton.Click += (sender, e) =>

        redoButton = new Button
            Text = "Redo",
            Location = new Point(180, 80),
            Size = new Size(140, 30)
        redoButton.Click += (sender, e) =>

        Text = "Undo/Redo Example";
        Size = new Size(380, 160);

    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new UndoRedoExampleForm());

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I enforce input rules using validation?

Assign a function to the ValidationFunction property that returns true for valid input and false for invalid input, and provide a custom message via ValidationErrorMessage.

What feedback is available when the control is read-only?

When the control is read-only, enabling CanShake and CanBeep will trigger a shake animation and an audible beep respectively when editing is attempted.

How can I recover previous text inputs?

Use the undo and redo functionalities, which are internally managed through undo/redo stacks, to revert or reapply changes.

How do I disable user input completely?

Set the IsEnabled property to false; this will disable user interaction and apply the disabled appearance properties (DisabledBorderColor, DisabledBackColor, DisabledTextColor).

Can validation be triggered on every text change?

Yes, validation is automatically triggered on text changes if the ValidationFunction is defined, and the Validated event is raised accordingly.

What happens if validation fails?

If validation fails, the Validated event is triggered and the control can display the ValidationErrorMessage, optionally halting further processing.

Integration Checklist


Input Validation Setup

Confirm that a ValidationFunction is defined and that ValidationErrorMessage is properly set.

Read-Only & Disabled Configuration

Ensure that the control's IsReadOnly and IsEnabled properties are set as intended, and that the corresponding appearance properties are applied.

Feedback Mechanisms

Verify that CanShake and CanBeep are enabled if you want feedback when editing is attempted in read-only mode.

Undo/Redo Functionality

Test the undo and redo operations by making text changes and confirming that the control reverts or reapplies changes appropriately.

Key and Mouse Input Handling

Ensure that input events (such as key presses and mouse events) are correctly processed and do not conflict with validation or read-only states.

Event Trigger Verification

Check that events like Validated are raised as expected during input changes and that they provide the correct feedback.

Accessibility Compliance

Verify that disabled or read-only states have appropriate visual cues (such as different colors) for better accessibility.

Cross-Platform Consistency

Confirm that the control behaves and renders consistently across different Windows versions and DPI settings if applicable.


Review Aspect

Input Handling Robustness

The control captures key and mouse events effectively to manage text input and selection, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Validation Integration

Developers can easily integrate custom validation logic with immediate visual and event-based feedback.

Read-Only Mode Functionality

Read-only and disabled states are well-supported, with additional feedback mechanisms to guide user interaction.

Undo/Redo Support

The built-in undo/redo functionality provides a safety net for user mistakes, enhancing usability in text-intensive applications.


The Input, Validation & Read-Only Behavior feature offers comprehensive control over how user input is processed, validated, and presented in different states.

By using these properties and events, developers can ensure that the control meets specific data entry requirements, provides appropriate user feedback, and maintains data integrity through undo/redo functionality.

Last updated