Public Methods for Signature Handling

A feature that provides a set of methods to manipulate and extract signature data from the control, including clearing, undoing, saving, retrieving images, and analytics.


This feature exposes several methods to manage signature data: clearing the signature (ClearSignature()), undoing the last stroke (Undo()), saving the signature to an image file (SaveSignature()), retrieving the signature as a bitmap (GetSignatureImage()), and extracting analytics (GetSignatureAnalytics()).

Detailed Documentation

Key Points


Signature Clearing

ClearSignature() – Removes all current signature strokes and resets the signature pad.

Undo Functionality

Undo() – Reverses the last stroke drawn, allowing users to correct mistakes easily.

Signature Persistence

SaveSignature(string fileName, ImageFormat format) – Saves the current signature to a file in a specified image format (PNG, JPEG, BMP).

Image Retrieval

GetSignatureImage() – Returns the signature as a Bitmap for further manipulation or display.

Signature Analytics

GetSignatureAnalytics() – Provides detailed analytics such as total length, stroke count, average speed, duration, and pressure profile of the signature.

Best Practices


Confirm Signature Presence

Always verify the presence of signature data (e.g., using the HasSignature property) before saving or retrieving the signature image.

Handle File I/O Gracefully

When using SaveSignature(), implement error handling (try/catch) to manage potential file system errors and ensure a smooth user experience.

Use Undo Thoughtfully

Allow users ample opportunity to undo strokes; consider integrating confirmation dialogs if undo actions are critical to user workflow.

Leverage Analytics

Use GetSignatureAnalytics() to gain insights into signature characteristics, which can be useful for verification or quality control purposes.

Common Pitfalls


Saving an Empty Signature

Ensure that a signature exists (using HasSignature) before calling SaveSignature() to avoid saving empty images.

Overuse of Undo

Excessive use of Undo() without proper UI feedback might confuse users; provide visual or textual confirmation after each undo action.

Unmanaged File Paths

When saving the signature, validate file paths and handle exceptions to prevent crashes or data loss.

Inconsistent Analytics Data

Verify that analytics are computed only after a complete stroke; premature retrieval might result in incomplete data metrics.

Usage Scenarios


Digital Document Signing

Use SaveSignature() and GetSignatureImage() to persist and display signatures in document management or digital contract signing applications.

User Input Correction

Provide users the ability to correct mistakes using Undo() and clear signatures using ClearSignature(), improving overall data accuracy.

Signature Verification

Retrieve detailed signature metrics with GetSignatureAnalytics() for backend verification and quality assurance in high-security applications.

Real Life Usage Scenarios


Banking Applications

Financial applications can use these methods to capture, store, and verify digital signatures securely and efficiently.

Legal and Contractual Platforms

Legal signing interfaces benefit from robust signature handling, enabling users to easily correct errors and generate high-quality signature images.

Educational Tools

Training software on handwriting or signature formation can use these methods to provide immediate feedback and performance analytics to learners.

Code Examples

Example 1: Clearing and Undoing a Signature

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class SignatureHandlingForm : Form
    private SiticoneSignaturePad signaturePad;
    private Button clearButton;
    private Button undoButton;

    public SignatureHandlingForm()
        // Initialize the signature pad control
        signaturePad = new SiticoneSignaturePad
            Location = new Point(10, 10),
            Size = new Size(400, 200)

        // Button to clear the signature
        clearButton = new Button
            Text = "Clear Signature",
            Location = new Point(10, 220),
            Size = new Size(150, 30)
        clearButton.Click += (s, e) => signaturePad.ClearSignature();

        // Button to undo the last stroke
        undoButton = new Button
            Text = "Undo Last Stroke",
            Location = new Point(170, 220),
            Size = new Size(150, 30)
        undoButton.Click += (s, e) => signaturePad.Undo();


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new SignatureHandlingForm());

Example 2: Saving and Retrieving a Signature Image

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class SaveSignatureForm : Form
    private SiticoneSignaturePad signaturePad;
    private Button saveButton;
    private Button viewButton;
    private PictureBox signaturePreview;

    public SaveSignatureForm()
        // Initialize the signature pad control
        signaturePad = new SiticoneSignaturePad
            Location = new Point(10, 10),
            Size = new Size(400, 200)

        // Button to save the signature to a file
        saveButton = new Button
            Text = "Save Signature",
            Location = new Point(10, 220),
            Size = new Size(150, 30)
        saveButton.Click += SaveButton_Click;

        // Button to retrieve the signature image
        viewButton = new Button
            Text = "View Signature",
            Location = new Point(170, 220),
            Size = new Size(150, 30)
        viewButton.Click += (s, e) =>
            Bitmap signatureImage = signaturePad.GetSignatureImage();
            if (signatureImage != null)
                signaturePreview.Image = signatureImage;

        // PictureBox to preview the retrieved signature image
        signaturePreview = new PictureBox
            Location = new Point(10, 260),
            Size = new Size(400, 200),
            BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle


    private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!signaturePad.HasSignature)
            MessageBox.Show("No signature to save.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

        using (SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog())
            saveDialog.Filter = "PNG Image|*.png|JPEG Image|*.jpg|BMP Image|*.bmp";
            saveDialog.Title = "Save Signature";
            saveDialog.DefaultExt = "png";

            if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    // Save the signature using the selected file name and image format
                    ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Png;
                    string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(saveDialog.FileName).ToLower();

                    if (extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg")
                        format = ImageFormat.Jpeg;
                    else if (extension == ".bmp")
                        format = ImageFormat.Bmp;

                    signaturePad.SaveSignature(saveDialog.FileName, format);
                    MessageBox.Show("Signature saved successfully!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show($"Error saving signature: {ex.Message}", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new SaveSignatureForm());

Example 3: Retrieving Signature Analytics

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SiticoneNetFrameworkUI;

public class SignatureAnalyticsForm : Form
    private SiticoneSignaturePad signaturePad;
    private Button analyticsButton;

    public SignatureAnalyticsForm()
        signaturePad = new SiticoneSignaturePad
            Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 10),
            Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 200)

        analyticsButton = new Button
            Text = "Get Analytics",
            Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 220),
            Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 30)
        analyticsButton.Click += (s, e) =>
            var analytics = signaturePad.GetSignatureAnalytics();
                $"Total Length: {analytics.TotalLength}\n" +
                $"Stroke Count: {analytics.StrokeCount}\n" +
                $"Average Stroke Speed: {analytics.AverageStrokeSpeed}\n" +
                $"Total Duration: {analytics.TotalDuration}\n" +
                $"Average Pressure: {analytics.AveragePressure}",
                "Signature Analytics",


    public static void Main()
        Application.Run(new SignatureAnalyticsForm());

Troubleshooting Tips


Verify Signature Existence

Before saving or retrieving the signature image, check that HasSignature returns true to prevent saving an empty signature.

Handle File Exceptions

Use try/catch blocks around file I/O operations in SaveSignature() to gracefully handle issues like access permissions or invalid paths.

Ensure Proper Refreshing

If dynamic changes (e.g., after an undo or clear operation) do not appear immediately, call Invalidate() to force a redraw of the control.

Confirm Analytics Calculation

Retrieve analytics after complete strokes to ensure that data such as duration and speed are calculated accurately.


Review Comments


The public methods integrate seamlessly, offering clear and intuitive ways to manipulate and extract signature data with minimal code changes.


These methods provide flexibility for various applications, whether saving, retrieving images, or extracting detailed analytics from the signature.


Enhancing user interaction through undo capabilities and real-time data extraction significantly improves the overall user experience.


The Public Methods for Signature Handling feature in the SiticoneSignaturePad control provides robust functionality for managing signature data. By utilizing methods such as ClearSignature(), Undo(), SaveSignature(), GetSignatureImage(), and GetSignatureAnalytics(), developers can create applications that support easy signature manipulation, persistent storage, and detailed analytics—all while enhancing the user experience.

Last updated