
This feature notifies external components when key changes occur within the gauge via a set of dedicated events.


The Events feature enables developers to monitor and respond to changes in the gauge's state by subscribing to events such as ValueChanged, ValueHasChanged, and AnimationCompleted. These events provide a way to integrate the gauge into larger application workflows by broadcasting state changes to other parts of the system.

Key Points



Fires whenever the gauge value is updated, indicating that a change has occurred.


Provides detailed information by supplying both the previous and new values when the gauge value updates.


Signals that an animated transition (if enabled) has finished, which is useful for triggering subsequent actions.

Best Practices


Subscribe Early

Attach event handlers during initialization to ensure no gauge changes are missed.

Use Detailed Event Data

Leverage the extra information provided by the ValueHasChanged event to perform context-sensitive updates in your application.

Unsubscribe When Not Needed

Detach event handlers when the gauge is disposed or when events are no longer required to prevent memory leaks and unwanted callbacks.

Common Pitfalls


Forgetting to Subscribe

Not subscribing to the events means your application may not react to gauge changes, resulting in unsynchronized UI updates.

Overloading with Event Logic

Performing heavy operations directly in event handlers can slow down the UI; offload processing to background tasks if needed.

Neglecting to Unsubscribe

Failing to unsubscribe from events can lead to memory leaks and unintended behavior if the gauge is removed or reinitialized.

Usage Scenarios

Implementation Details

Synchronizing Dashboard Elements

Use the ValueChanged event to update related UI components (e.g., labels, charts) whenever the gauge value changes.

Logging and Auditing

Utilize the ValueHasChanged event to log changes in gauge values along with timestamps for audit purposes.

Triggering Sequential Animations

Respond to the AnimationCompleted event to start subsequent animations or processes after the gauge's value transition is fully rendered.

Real Life Usage Scenarios

Example Description

Industrial Monitoring Dashboard

In a control room, operators can subscribe to gauge events so that changes in critical parameters immediately update other system components or trigger alerts.

Financial Trading Platform

A gauge displaying market data fires events that update summary statistics and trigger visual cues, ensuring traders receive real-time information.

Health Monitoring Applications

Gauges that monitor vital signs can broadcast events to update a central log or notify medical staff when a patient's condition changes significantly.

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting Approach

No Response to Gauge Changes

Ensure that event handlers are correctly attached and that the gauge instance is not being recreated without reattaching subscriptions.

Performance Issues in Event Handlers

Offload heavy processing within event handlers to background threads or asynchronous methods to keep the UI responsive.

Memory Leaks Due to Event Subscriptions

Verify that event handlers are unsubscribed when the gauge is disposed to prevent lingering references that could cause memory leaks.

Code Examples and Integration Samples

Example 1: Subscribing to Basic Events

// Initialize the gauge
SiticoneGaugeDigital gauge = new SiticoneGaugeDigital();
gauge.MinValue = 0;
gauge.MaxValue = 100;
gauge.Value = 50;

// Subscribe to the ValueChanged event
gauge.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Gauge value changed to: " + gauge.Value.ToString("F1"));

// Subscribe to the ValueHasChanged event for detailed logging
gauge.ValueHasChanged += (sender, args) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Gauge updated from {args.PreviousValue} to {args.NewValue}");

// Subscribe to the AnimationCompleted event to trigger subsequent actions
gauge.AnimationCompleted += (sender, e) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Gauge animation has completed.");

// Add the gauge to the form
gauge.Location = new Point(20, 20);
gauge.Size = new Size(300, 300);

Example 2: Unsubscribing from Events

// Example of unsubscribing event handlers to prevent memory leaks
gauge.ValueChanged -= YourValueChangedHandler;
gauge.ValueHasChanged -= YourValueHasChangedHandler;
gauge.AnimationCompleted -= YourAnimationCompletedHandler;


Review Comments

Ease of Integration

The events provided are straightforward to subscribe to and provide essential feedback on gauge state changes, making them easy to integrate.


With both simple and detailed event options available, developers can choose the level of detail required for their applications.


Properly implemented event handling ensures that the gauge can be seamlessly integrated into larger systems with responsive updates.


The Events feature allows the gauge to notify other parts of an application when its value changes or when an animation completes, facilitating synchronized UI updates and responsive interactions.

Additional Sections

Implementation Tips


Attach Handlers During Initialization

Set up event subscriptions as soon as the gauge is instantiated to ensure no updates are missed.

Offload Heavy Processing

Keep event handlers lightweight to maintain a responsive UI; delegate resource-intensive tasks to background threads if necessary.

Centralize Event Logic

Consider encapsulating event logic within helper classes or methods to keep your code organized and maintainable.

Future Enhancements


Custom Event Arguments

Introduce more detailed event argument classes to include additional context, such as timestamps or source identifiers, to further support advanced integrations.

Event Aggregation

Provide an event aggregation system that allows multiple gauge events to be batched or combined for smoother UI updates in high-frequency data environments.

Extended Event Support

Add events for other interactions (e.g., mouse enter/leave, right-click context selection) to further enhance interactivity and user feedback.

This extensive documentation for the Events feature should help developers integrate and utilize gauge events effectively in their WinForms applications, ensuring real-time feedback and smooth coordination with other UI elements.

Last updated